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Old 04-10-2008, 04:34 PM   #21
Da Guy Wut Owns Dis Joint
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Aw, poor Anthony!
Who are all these people and what do they know?
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Old 04-14-2008, 01:36 AM   #22
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That's a bit like I sounded when I first picked up the violin.
I am the youngest person on Sun Sims...AWESOME!!!
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Old 07-02-2008, 11:37 PM   #23
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The Caesar family moved into a small house near the Capps. Calpurnia, her husband Julius, and their son Octavius all shared a passion for sports.

Calpurnia had other passions as well, such as robotics.

Oh, and just about any other man or woman that passed by the house.

There was definitely a reason she preferred to keep house rather than work outside the home. She completely supported Julius’s career. The longer hours, the better. Not that she didn’t love him, not at all…it was just that she enjoyed variety, and she knew he wouldn’t understand. She had a gift for wrapping everybody around her little finger, regardless of sexual preference or marital status.

Julius had been an architect in the town they lived in before moving to Veronaville. Unfortunately there were no positions available in the field right away, so he accepted an offer to help with the re-election campaign of the mayor of SimCity. It paid well, and he got to rub elbows with some of the more influential members of the new society, including Victor Goth, who was already the wealthiest man in the city thanks to some clever day-trading in the stock market. Victor wasn't necessarily all that impressed with Julius, however. Shortly after the successful campaign, Julius did manage to find a job in construction, which was much more to his liking and would hopefully open the door to his preferred career option in this city.

Julius was blissfully ignorant of Calpurnia's extramarital activities. He knew she hadn’t been as pure as the driven snow before they were married, but he assumed she had settled down once they had exchanged vows.

Octavius may have had a mean look about him, but he was actually rather sensitive and childlike, still playing with toys when he was alone in his room. This most likely stemmed from the fact that his father expected a great deal out of him and wanted, like most fathers, for his son to be exactly like him. While it was true he had his eye on success and prosperity like his dad, it wasn’t all he was about, either.

Calpurnia was one of those nosy neighbors, always peeking out the window to see what was going on outside her home. She made it a point to greet everyone that walked by the house. They often wound up inside the house chatting and watching television, and usually progressed to much full-body contact and experimentation on the sofa, or in the bedroom upstairs if Julius was away at work.

Calpurnia did not discriminate against anyone. She even tried her moves on Prudence Crumplebottom, who blushed a little and said, “No thank you. I’m happy with my husband, and even if I weren’t, I‘m not into women.”

“You mean, you’ve never even thought about what it would be like?”

Prudence just rolled her eyes, but laughed. The woman was nothing if not determined, and she liked that in her friends.

Julius and Calpurnia decided to enroll Octavius in SimCity Prep, where he met Scribonia Capp. They hit it off instantly, and he was delighted when he realized she only lived down the street. It took him a couple of weeks to work up the courage to officially ask her out, and she said yes, to his delight. They became a couple soon afterwards, and were very rarely seen apart.

As they were nearing the end of their school year, with college looming ahead, Octavius and Scribonia began to discuss how serious they wanted to get. They had made plans to attend the same college, and they now discussed the real possibility of marriage in the future.

“I mean, there’s no telling what will happen in college, but I really think this could be it. I love you,” said Octavius.

Scribonia smiled and silenced him with a kiss, which quickly developed into even more...
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Old 07-03-2008, 12:04 AM   #24
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In between the Capps and the Caesars, the Thebe family resided. The head of this household was most definitely Queen. She called the shots and lived up to her unusual first name. Her husband Eetion adored her, and was the first one to tell anyone that despite her confidence, she was truly a loving mother at heart. She also had a flair for the dramatic.

Queen and Eetion were actually younger than most of the other families in town. They married young, only a few years prior to their move to Veronaville. A somewhat distant relative of Queen's passed away soon after they were married, and Queen was happy to take in her teenage daughter, Andromache, as her own.

Andromache was extremely bright. She was homeschooled and really needed little time each day for schoolwork, leaving her free to help around the house and have a part-time job.

Andromache was gifted in music and dance, and spent hours practicing ballet and piano each day. Because she was homeschooled, she had plenty of time to practice. Eetion would sometimes come into her little studio and pretend that he knew how to dance as well, just to make her laugh. She had a part-time job with a dance company in the afternoons, and was already making plans for college.

The fact that they already had an adopted daughter didn't stop them from wanting to have a family of their own. The first order of business upon moving in was to attempt to put a bun in Queen's oven, a task that Eetion was more than happy to assist with, of course.

It wasn't long before it became apparent that Queen was pregnant, and before they knew it, it was time for the little one to make its appearance.

Left alone in the house that evening while Eetion and Andromache were at their respective jobs, Queen decided to try out a new spaghetti recipe she read about. She got distracted by what felt like a contraction, and the stove managed to catch on fire. Luckily the fire department responded quickly to the alarm and put it out, but the stress brought on full-blown labor in a hurry. The fireman took her to the hospital, and the family welcomed a baby boy...and a baby girl.

Andromache wasn't what you'd call the family sort, but she bonded to her new brother, Bernardo, and sister, Danielle. She enjoyed strolling with them around the property, singing to them and dancing while holding them in her arms. It always made them giggle.
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Old 07-03-2008, 12:41 AM   #25
Solar Max
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Very nice Kaylyn! I enjoyed it.
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Old 07-03-2008, 02:47 AM   #26
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Stay tuned Hokieman! This has barely scratched the surface of this epic-length story!
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Old 07-03-2008, 03:48 AM   #27
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The Albion family moved in behind the Caesars and Thebes, on the same block but the street behind them. Hecuba was fortune-minded and enjoyed food and cuisine. As well as spying on the neighbors. It was no surprise that she got along well with Calpurnia Caesar.

Priam was an intellectual who loved learning and tinkering. He preferred to use the family's telescope for its intended purpose, and even managed to discover a couple of new stars in the sky.

The couple had never been able to have children, so they had adopted a son several years ago.

Hector was a bit of a wild child, a rebel if you will. Andromache Thebe, the girl who seemed to have her life all together, was just as surprised as anyone else when she fell for him. When she found out they both shared an interest in music and dance (her opera and ballet to his rock and smustle) there was no going back for her.

They spent many a hot and heavy evening together, and then one day Andromache brought a visitor along with her.

"I understand you and Andy have been very serious," Queen said. Hector blushed and Andromache pretended not to be listening. "You must know that she's very serious about going to college and getting a decent job. I hope you plan on doing the same if things are to continue between the two of you."

Truth was, Hector had never thought about it. But as he looked at Andromache, he knew he would do anything to keep her. So he buckled down on his schoolwork and applied to college.

He also took a job at a law firm and put on a suit for the first time in his life. It started out as a part-time filing job, then he was soon promoted to full-time for the summer. It was then to his surprise that he received word of his the same school Andromache would be attending.
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Old 07-03-2008, 08:26 AM   #28
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Yes! The Saga continues!
A game that horrible Odessa-person introduced me to:
I'm spreading the addiction by corrupting all my friends (and attempting to make in-game money when they try the game).
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Old 07-03-2008, 09:03 PM   #29
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Yeah, I got distracted by other games for a while, but finally sat down and turned on The Sims again yesterday and got caught up with the story with what I've already played, and played the Albion family (these last 4 are all ancestors of the Capps).

Next up is the Monty ancestors, and then a few from Riverblossom Hills. Then college time!
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Old 07-10-2008, 03:25 AM   #30
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Bassanio Monty yawned sleepily as he stumbled into the bathroom one morning, about a month after moving to Veronaville. It was a good thing he looked down before answering the call of nature. He gagged a little and grabbed the toilet brush and scrubbed it down a bit, finally flushing the mess down just as Portia walked in, wearing a robe and obviously ready for a shower.

"Oh, good, you got it. My fault, sorry," she said as she turned on the water and stepped into the shower. "I got my gown messed up and had to get it in the laundry first, then I was going to come clean it up."

Bassanio went about his business, and called over the shower, "Are you feeling okay, then?"

"Fine!" she said. "Don't's just morning sickness." She looked over her shoulder at her husband and grinned at his shocked expression.

"You're kidding...right?" When she shook her head, he just blinked at her. "Wow...I thought it just wasn't going to happen again! I figured Valentine was just destined to be an only child!" He flushed the toilet again and stuck his head in the shower to give his wife a lingering kiss. "Can't wait to tell him!" Portia flicked water at him playfully before he closed the shower door and left.

He found he couldn't stop smiling as he made his way through the house. He met his teenage son Valentine in the kitchen. "Your mother is pregnant. You're finally gonna have that little brother or sister you asked for when you were six."

Val clutched his chest melodramatically. "But you two are so old!"

"Apparently not old enough yet. Now we have to go out and buy baby stuff...just when we'd decided to move and leave all your old stuff behind."

The Monty family had decided to move from their old town because Val had gotten himself and several teachers into trouble due to inappropriate relationships. Though nothing serious had actually happened, his parents had just learned about the efforts to build a community in SimCity and had decided that it would be a good idea to start fresh. Still, by the time they actually made the move, Val was nearly 18 anyway.

He couldn't help that he was mature for his age. He preferred the company of older women, and older women seemed drawn to him.

In particular, Calpurnia Caesar took a liking to him. Of course, she wasn't picky...she took a liking to everyone. She was more than willing to show him the ways of the world, so to speak. She quickly learned that his parents greatly disapproved, so she'd sneak over whenever she could.

Portia soon gave birth to a baby girl, Maria Monty. She had been in the military before she got pregnant, and she took another job soon afterwards. With Bassanio working full-time, they entrusted Val with babysitting, at least until it was time for him to go off to college. Val didn't mind; it enabled him to spend the days home alone with a different woman each day.
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Old 07-11-2008, 12:01 AM   #31
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Oh my goodness, what a naughty boy! LOL
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Old 07-11-2008, 07:20 PM   #32
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Romance sims...gotta love them *sigh* :P
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Old 08-14-2008, 01:28 AM   #33
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I just realized that Andy became a lawyer. Now I'm wondering how well he scored in Ambulance Chasing 201.
Who are all these people and what do they know?
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Old 11-28-2008, 05:35 PM   #34
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The Capps in Veronaville r highly boring to me. lol
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Old 05-27-2009, 12:23 AM   #35
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The images are really good quality. Nice story...too.
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