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Old 01-01-2009, 05:04 PM   #21
Goddess for Life
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Nothing bad. You're just doing extra work.

However, if you do the steps where you open up the file and make a list of where they belong, you can just take a peek at the other resources and see if all the files for that style are "black" or "custom."

Hm, does DDO list the bin a hair is in? You could open up the XML output file with WordPad and check if it does...


  <packages ptype="HairRecolour" isOrphan="false" isBroken="false" ptype2="2">
    <title>Hair Recolour</title>
    <description />
    <subfolder>\windkeeper\zmisc tsr</subfolder>
    <catalogPlacement>Hair -&gt; Black</catalogPlacement>
    <tgis tgi_type="FC6EB1F7" tgi_group="1C050000" tgi_instance2="C44805F9" tgi_instance="FFDE3C3C" />
    <tgis tgi_type="FC6EB1F7" tgi_group="1C050000" tgi_instance2="679880C6" tgi_instance="FFD81D8F" />
    <tgis tgi_type="FC6EB1F7" tgi_group="1C050000" tgi_instance2="261656DA" tgi_instance="FF46BE94" />
    <tgis tgi_type="FC6EB1F7" tgi_group="1C050000" tgi_instance2="53FA105C" tgi_instance="FFF9130A" />
I think unbinned hair comes up as "Black," "Custom," or with a blank catalogPlacement tag.

BTW, I think Greg ruled that technical questions could be added to existing threads without fear of necromancy.
A game that horrible Odessa-person introduced me to:
I'm spreading the addiction by corrupting all my friends (and attempting to make in-game money when they try the game).
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