Thread: Second Life?
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Old 02-27-2008, 11:40 PM   #51
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 805

I agree absolutely Greg. I'm sorry if I have upset you in any way.
The reason I am a member of this forum is the people here.
Believe me, I would not be here otherwise.

When it comes to words, I have the older fashioned opinions there I suppose.
I recall what Great Granny taught us as kids.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones.
But, names will never hurt me?"

I actually do see the world that way. I may be a lucky one, in that respect.
Doesn't mean I don't get annoyed or what ever, but I seem to be able to get passed it in a way many others these days just can't. And it works.
It really burns the dills up, the trouble makers and trolls, to find the harder they try, the harder we laugh.

Something I have found in my wanderings, is some very interesting creations.
The settings and scenery is superb. Medieval towns and mean city street layouts. The imagination and creativity of the people is astounding.

The sailing ships people are building are quite impressive. Hulls creak and groan, sails flap, gulls shriek. And, the oceans actually have wind and waves.
Although I did find one ship that badly needs it's bilges pumped. Groups of friends can hire time in certain sims and go to sea for battle. Pirate's Cove is one such place. Fun too.

Functional Office tower buildings and highrise apartments. All rented out.
People actually living and working in the cities.

The NASA CoLab is fascinating. All NASA's feeds come direct to the lecture halls, the museum site is huge. Everything ever launched, is sitting there on its launch pad. You have got a great mechanno set.
Some of those things you guys sent up are HUGE. Everything is proportional, in true scale, standing beside those rockets on the launch pad is impressive.

G-day FredsG, we haven't heard from you for a while.
All well over your way I hope?

Sita, no worries.
I'll send you a "tp" landmark, next time I notice you are logged in.
Drop in any time. Most island residents are about the same age, that is, ahem, "not quite yet senior citizens".
Saturday our time, afternoons for me, there is usually a party on the beach. Friday evenings US west coast time.
It might be a little rowdy for a week or two. The hotel, on the hill behind my home, has been booked by a college for Spring Break.
It's a swim team and cheerleaders. I met the coach the other night.
I bribed him. I gave him a waverunner. He likes me.
I won't be disturbed by the youngens.
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