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Old 09-14-2008, 03:05 AM   #38
Da Guy Wut Owns Dis Joint
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That flashgames-ny site is awesome, Kimmy! Gosh, I'm glad you checked in!

Yeah, the local newscasters are doing a better job of it. The building that the Weather Channel is so obsessed with is the Hilton on NASA Road One down near where Space Center Blvd runs into Clear Lake. But do you think they could just take five seconds and turn the camera around to see what JSC looks like?

Rose, that's an excellent idea. We used to do that answering machine trick. This time, though, we turned off the main breakers to the house before we left, just in case. We also have one of those answering machine services where the answering machine is not in the house. We were talking about how we could fix that, but any solution would require leaving the power on.

I think we will be able to call the El Lago Emergency Management Coordinator, or even the local police, and find out about the status of power and damage to the houses we are most worried about. It's not a very large city (just 1 square mile) so folks are pretty friendly in those parts.

Odessa, that's worrisome. I hope to goodness they didn't decide to ride this one out. I'm sure you know they had flooding in Kemah and Seabrook on the east side of highway 146. I'm guessing that since they haven't said beans about west side of 146, that means those areas were all right. The storm surge was no where near the worst-case predictions.
Who are all these people and what do they know?
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