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Old 04-29-2008, 06:06 PM   #68
Goddess for Life
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Remember the O+ transfusion? Well, he developed antibodies to the Rh+ factor... now they have to give him O neg or nothing! They have no O neg in the city except for the emergency supplies (for people who come in bleeding to death with no time for typing for an exact match), so they have to have some sent from Rochester.

Yes, he's back in the hospital. Allegedly pneumonia. I'll believe that when they pump some snot out of his lungs. I think it's edema leading to congestive heart failure again, even tho his feet aren't very swollen.

We took a medication list with us, and the damn doctor couldn't just give him the stuff on the list, he screwed with the insulin (bad move) and claimed the Lasix was too much strain on his kidneys -- so they're pumping him full of IV fluid and it's not coming back out. Can you say edema? He thinks there's fluid around his lungs again.

Shorty, all the high tech wound dressings did the job -- his foot's one of the best functioning parts of him! BTW, hot water and a little vinegar is good for extreme foot odor. The wound clinic thought it was hysterically funny that the doctor told us to soak his foot in vinegar!

Other family bad news: Danielle's younger brother, Pauly, had a tumor on his brainstem. Although they did an MRI, when they got in there, it was growing into the brainstem, not just next to it. They were able to get it all, and when he was coming out of anesthesia, he was able to move his hands and feet, knew where he was and who people were, so it looks like he'll be fine.

Last edited by Miros1 : 04-29-2008 at 06:20 PM.
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