Thread: Coming soon...
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Old 08-17-2007, 08:15 AM   #41
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 805

Originally Posted by Greg View Post
Omigoodness. Your possums don't sound like our possums!
From memory your "Opossum" is a sleapy old fellow.
Ours can get quite excited at times, like mating time, dinner time, play time, sleepy time.
If you can gain their trust, they can be friendly enough, but never dream they can be "domesticated", they are wild critters. Some more so than others.

Kaylyn, they are sensitive, you may have run over a cousin.

The Koala, can make a mess with its nice big claws for climbing. When it is awake. The highly selective diet of "Manna Gum" leaves, and about 2 or 3 other species of "Eucalypt", usually leave it fairly stoned.

The Buck Kangaroo (male) will try to disembowel any thing it sees as a rival.
The "boxing" a "roo" does is actually a grappling to get a hold of an adversary then it will rear back onto its tail and lash out with the hind feet to slash at the stomach area. Three very large and strong toe claws on each hind leg, NASTY. Not at all like Warner Bros.

A collection of spiders and snakes, that are the envy of the world. If you like things that can kill you. The tropical Bird Eating Spider is a tarantula type that actively hunts mice and small birds, too large for an areal home it still spins an areal web, but lives in a burrow it excavates using its poison fangs.
The Desert Taipan, a snake with venom some seven times more potent than the King Cobra. Our Southern Ocean Black Tiger Snake thinks nothing of a 5 or 6 mile open ocean swim. Diet consists mainly of Mutton bird chicks (Shearwaters), that migrate from Siberia to our South coast every year. The snakes get a full belly for about 2 or 3 months of the year, the rest of the year, they are hungry and grumpy.

Ants almost 2 inches long, that can jump over six feet, we loved annoying them as kids. Big set of fighting nippers, almost a quarter of their body length.

And let's not forget good old Taz. Once again Warner Bros, not quite right.
They do not spin and twirl, but the rest is pretty accurate. They are bellicose, aggressive, carniverous, omniverous, canaballistic, um, and some more stuff as well.

And there is not one critter I don't have some affection for. Even the nasty dangerous ones.

Ah, Australia, you got to love it. Or live somewhere safer.
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