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Old 09-17-2008, 01:40 AM   #57
Rising Sun
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 16

I am heading home tomorrow.

Don't know if I have power yet, but the little town down the road does so I am hopeful if I don't have it yet it won't be long (hope - finger crossed - hope)

Whoever had been talking on my phone all this time finally hung up, now it just rings & rings. I am choosing to believe that is a positive sign, but not sure of what *shrug* Called the M.U.D. (water department) and got a recording, sounds like I will have water to wash up. Taking 10 gallons with me to drink. I got excited when I heard the recording thinking wohoo power! but then I realized it could be generator running the place or might be a voice mail thingy.

Taking 15 gallons of gas in with us. I would take more but finding a gas can up here is next to impossible. Bought the final 3 at a little hole in the wall independent car parts place in the itty bitty town. The little guy said that was the last of 108 he got in yesterday and his supplier is out now also.

So if you don't hear from me for awhile don't worry, I just don't have power and/or internet. I plan to keep busy helping to clean up my lil town and checking out peoples places in San Leon since we are getting so little news out of there. Since I have been working on Galveston Island and it is CLOSED until further notice I guess I don't have a job until further notice as well. Glad we have a truck, maybe we can make a few bucks hauling building materials and trash for people without a truck.

Thanks to KHOU for the forums we are getting SOME information. Have to pick through it, seems trolls are everywhere, spreading misinformation & lies.

Anyway I have rambled enough....take care everyone.

PS Greg I have a PM in my box, but can't read it since there is no title or something to click on. When you get a chance can you check it out? No hurry but I just remembered to tell you about it.

**hugs** for those that want them.
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