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Old 06-20-2007, 03:39 AM   #3
Da Guy Wut Owns Dis Joint
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How to Build a Stage
Method 1b: Club on Foundation with Sunken Audience Pit

Methods 1 and 1a both used the foundation for the stage but had the entrance to the club at ground level. This time we'll do the easiest one of all: Build the club on a foundation and dig down to ground level only for the showroom floor.

Step 1: Build a foundation

Build a foundation for the whole establishment.

Simple enough. You just need a foundation large enough to hold whatever you want this establishment to have.

Step 2: Figure out where the audience will go

I used flooring to sketch out what goes where.

This is a technique I use a lot when building. I just sketched in where things would be once I was done. I'm just building a show room here, so I don't need a lot of detailed planning.

The wooden area is where the stage will be and the green is the entrance to the club.

Step 3: Cut out the audience pit.

Just use the foundation tool to cut out the audience pit.
It's the same as if you were digging a basement; just don't dig.

That's it! No need for scary cheat codes.

Step 4: Finish decorating and outfitting the club.

Will Tabitha like this one?

Here's our finished showroom, all ready for Tabitha's inspection!

Tabitha was eager to check out the new place.

She came a-runnin' as soon as I told her it was ready! And moments later, she came a-runnin' right back out again!

"The roof is too low for that big room!" she said. "It's claustrophobic in there! And it's boring! It needs some neon!"

"Erm... all right," says we. "Got a favorite color?"


"Green? Green light will make your skin look ghastly!"

"No, just for the neon and the backdrop. People keep building clubs in fleshtone colors--red and pink and purple and tan. Green is better because the dancers will really stand out against the background! We'll call the place Green Lightning!"

"OK, if you say so!"

And so we did.

Green Lightning got a higher ceiling over the show room.

I inset the higher ceiling to give it more visual depth. It makes it a lot less claustrophic and actually makes the room feel even bigger.

This is what I wanted!

"Yay! This is what I wanted!" Tabitha said. "It is green!"

"I get it. And the lightning bit comes from the neon on the interior walls?"

"Naw, that's just an accent. Lightning is electricity and heat, baby. I'll make the lightning!"

"I'll make the lightning!"

Last edited by Greg : 06-20-2007 at 04:41 AM.
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