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Old 05-22-2008, 03:55 PM   #51
I'm a Computer Nut
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Originally Posted by Greg View Post
That's just what I was thinking. At this point, we have a few reaonably reliable facts.

User Experience: Two Bits of Anecdotal Evidence
  1. Homerette was running the software that SecuROM is designed to thwart and had difficulty with her CD burner after installing SecuROM.
  2. Hokieman does not have that software installed and has had no difficulty with SecuROM.
You can add me to the list along side Hokieman, with having no issues with SecuROM. I know I've stated it before in another thread, but I have a burner (a DVD/CD burner actually) in my machine, and Nero Burning ROM installed and I have no issues whatsoever.

What I believe that happens with these issues with SecuROM is an unfortunate and unintended interaction with certain burning software and possibly other applications as well, since there are some programs that inappropriately hook themseleves to places in the OS that they shouldn't be. As I can prove Nero has no issues, but I think they design there software better than some companies.

Disclaimer: I'm just speculating, I have no idea for sure what's happening.
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