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Old 03-08-2008, 11:14 PM   #13
Solar Max
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 520

Miros, that would be great and much appreciated! All hail the Goddess!!

That's what I was thinking Greg. Since I always start new sims in Uni, I use use Insim to zap them back to a teen and then move them to the Unihood followed by having to select new clothes for their bodyshape. What I end up with is every time I go to plan a new outfit at wardrobe I have to wade through tons of clothes that aren't for that particular bodyshape. Of course, I could make it easier by just emptying the dorm every now and then and letting it reset then, using the Insim pile of clothes thingie to buy new clothes, but I tend to just keep putting in a new sim as soon as one graduates to keep the NPCs out. It's the same problem tho, I still end up with the wrong clothes half the time since I duplicate so may things for the various bodyshapes.
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