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Old 01-13-2008, 12:57 AM   #20
Join Date: May 2007
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Originally Posted by Zirconia Wolf View Post
The real problem with a "human simulation" type game is finding a nice balance between realism & something that is still fun to play. It is, after all still supposed to be a computer game!

For example, one of the "mods" out there for Sims 2 allows for menstruation cycles for your female Sims. Yes, this is "real" but it's not a fun part of life in any way shape or form (just my little opinion) so- for me- a game that was that "true to life" would be not the least interesting. (In fact, it would never see the light of day on my PC!)

There's the rub: what's a great "real life" simulation for one person is often annoying & repulsive to another.

All things considered, I rather enjoy most (not all) of the Sims 2 take on life. Now, if Maxis would just use some smarts on their Behavior logic (if "logic" is the right word) & ditch SecuROM, they might just hit the jackpot with Sims 3.

Not that I'm holding my breath or anything...
Yep. Too much realism there all right.
Bad hack, very, very, bad hack.

Aww, come on Greg, your starting to sound like me now.

Most of the extra mods\hacks\music\movies\games, are for my benefit not an electronic simulation of a human. It is very limiting at times, almost boring in base form.
It is only because it is so modifiable that it has any value.
For instance.
My "Paris Hilton" sim, is still washing dishes in a greasy spoon diner, and will be for ever.
My self sim, is now very happy, living in Bill Gate's house.

I'm God here. And it is good to be God.

(With respect of course BOSS)

(Yeah, as far as I'm concerned, He, is my Boss.)

A little more flexibility in behaviour and logic, needs and wants tuning would be better, but they are stuck with the good old politically correct middle of the road. They sell to a massive range of people. I think some Muslim countries are not so pleased with it. I believe Kuwait has recently banned the game because of the "possibility" of nudity. A young chap I occasionally talk to, lives in Kuwait City, is now an underground criminal because he owns a copy of Sims 2. Great eh?

EA and Maxis do have to cater to a very wide range of tastes and moral values. So I guess they just have to cater for the least objection.

And I still reckon they are now doing little more than incorporating other peoples hacks into the EP game files.
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