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Old 12-05-2007, 01:12 AM   #89
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 805

Originally Posted by Miros1 View Post
Shorty, I just saw the siggy change... what happened to the bathroom roof?

It blew off in a storm about 3 weeks ago.

I've fixed it. Now all I have to do is get it back up on the bathroom.
A tractor job, when there is no wind.

And to answer Greg. YES.

WW2. The Jappanese attacked and bombed the hell out of us.
Submarine raids into Sydney Harbour trying to get one of your battle ships.
They raided all the way down to Melbourne in the south east, and Freemantle on the west coast.
Darwin, the northern capital was air raided and bombed 65 times in 3 years.
In all the Jappanese tried to assault and invade us over 90 times during the war.
Something even a lot of Aussies don't know properly.

McCarthur, of "I shall return" fame, sent a bunch of aussie reserves onto the Kakoda Track in New Guinea to hold the Japs back while he got his troops out.
He and Washington were going to give in to the Japs and let them have the top half of australia.

My great uncle, my Mother's uncle was one of those "Chocko's" as we call our "National Guard" or Army Reserve units.
A bunch of part time soldiers did what McCarthur's professional soldiers couldn't, they smashed the Empire advance and started the route back to Tokyo.

Yeah mate, the war sure did touch Aussie shores, in a way it never did the USA.

Aaahh, the French.
The only nation in the world, to surrender not once, but twice, to the only nation in the world, that lost 2 world wars in a row.

You go get em Jack.
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