Thread: STS-120
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Old 11-19-2007, 11:24 AM   #35
Da Guy Wut Owns Dis Joint
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Ah, there's the rub! You don't.

Once upon a time, the film jammed in one of the nifty Hasselblaad cameras. This one on a Shuttle flight where they had the bunks aboard. Those things are light-tight, so the an astronaut took the camera into a bunk, using it as a darkroom so that he could fix the film.

He was successful in fixing the camera, but when he went to get out of the bunk, the door wouldn't open! He pushed and bumped and banged on the door for a few minutes. It wouldn't budge.

Finally, his elbow bumped the wall. It moved. He pushed on the wall, and voila! It was the door! Even in the tight confines of that little sleeping compartment, he was completely unaware that his body had rotated while he was in darkness!
Who are all these people and what do they know?
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