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Old 10-02-2007, 02:05 PM   #15
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 805

Originally Posted by Miros1 View Post
Do you have Arbor Day? Maybe you should a) plant some native trees and b) start Arbor Day there to get other people to plant some!
Yep. At least we used to have a half day off from school to go plant trees and such when I was a lad.

I think it has been renamed to "Tree Day" or some stupidly simpleton thing like that, because nobody knows the base Latin anymore. I really don't like our government public servants. They seem almost uneducated in there desperation to rationalise their need to change the way we do things. So they try to institute laws that are already in place, they just haven't read the damned book properly. They don't do that, we do, and they obey.

So yes, in a way we still do. It's just been bastardised, like a lot of things in this country over the last couple of decades.

Mr. Robert J Hawke, former Prime Minister, once vowed "we will plant 1 billion trees before the millenium, blah blah blah". And we did, then the bloody drought hit really hard, and the poor little buggers died.
In some places you can see the salt forming crystals from month to month.
Boffins from all over the world are trying to figure something out, but all their head scratching so far has only resulted in splinters in their fingers.
Bloody wooden headed boffins.

Watcha gonna do.
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