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Old 09-14-2007, 07:07 PM   #10
Day late & a dollar short
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I can certainly see both sides of the issue, and I agree that putting off buying and installing an EP for any game until some player experiences are put forth is probably a very prudent idea. Also, using consumer power to send a message to the purveyors of inadequacy is important as well.

But, I also agree that the major bones of the game are good enough to keep us all coming back for more and I don't particularly want to wait indefinitely to experience a measure of variety in my gameplay.

The most important thing to consider is probably that everyone's idea of ideal game performance and play is different. What annoys me, may not annoy you; we all play our game differently and want the experience to match our expectations. Both miros1 and Zirconia Wolf have excellent points about the way things are and the way they should be.
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