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Old 09-13-2007, 01:50 PM   #43
Zirconia Wolf
Reticulated MoonBat
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I think the main reason I don't get the whole testincheats thing is that I have been an InSim user from- almost- the word go, so for me it just never seemed needed. Also, since the game generates it's own report logs of crashes & whatnot, I always figured I could just look through them for any problems...if I could understand them, that is! Then there is the ever present (albiet cryptic) warning about running testingcheast "too often". I did run into problems with Sims 1 & forgeting to turn the moveobjects on back to off, so I think I'm still a bit gun shy about those continous "offical" cheats. (Again, since 99.9% of my errors are audio- often because a custom floor doesn't "flag right" for the correct walking sound- there isn't much I would ever be able to do in order to fix said errors. I like my various custom flooring, so...)

On the subject of Maxis hitting us with another pack, I just saw the teasers for the Teen Style SP & thought "oh carpletunnel, by the time SimPE is finally ready for H&M/BV it'll be outta date again"...that I caught a glipmse of yet another EP currently set for release in 2008 called The Sims 2 Hobbies. Could it be that Sims will finally have a use for the whole interest thing other that plugging their ears when there kids are talking to them?? (Okay, that's a silly reaction for an adult, but I just couldn't stand having all my Sims have 100% interest in everything. Anyway, snails is a stupid subject anyway...)

On a personal update, my BV preperations are taking longer than I thought, so it may be a while before I can inflicte it on my game. Not that anyone really cares, but...


Here's a (not so great) link that kinda has a little info about the Hobbies EP:

I say not-so-great this dude seems convinced that a picture of a dog on vacation from Sims 1 constitutes proof that pets can go on vacation in Sims 2. (bottom of the page.)

Also, from what I understand Hobbies is no longer "pending", but on it's way.
** Long Live All Wild Canines! **
** Leader Of The Moon-Bat Revolution! **

Last edited by Zirconia Wolf : 09-13-2007 at 01:59 PM. Reason: link
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