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Old 09-02-2007, 06:32 AM   #28
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 805

Originally Posted by Greg View Post
I think I'm either lacking sufficient curiosity or too lazy to hunt down specifications for ships. As I recall, our original goal was to compare how much cargo a water ship can carry versus its empty weight to that of spacecrft. I can guess without looking at the numbers that the comparison would be rather silly.
Yep, me to. Even when I was in the job, that was more for the Naval Architect to fret over. I only followed his drawings and instructions, to maintain and run the big toys.

At the moment I am more concerned I don't go overweight on this bus.
No real worry, she weighs in at 8 1\2 ton bare, and is load limited to 14 ton. I have plenty of headroom.
Until the regulation pressed cement waterproof floor sheeting goes down in the wet areas. That stuff is heavy.
Add a couple of ton in potable water tankage, another 1\2 a ton for grey water storage, ( because you can't just let the plug out of the kitchen sink apparently).
Fridges, freezers, range tops and range hoods, and a barbie plate, prep and servery counter tops and a few cupboards for storage. We will get her close to the max limit for her weight capacity.
I will also add one of them new fangled reversing closed circuit TV systems.
The lady driver has a track record of reversing into things.
And the bus hasn't got a rear window any more.
With 14 ton she can reverse over a house and barely feel it.
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