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Old 08-29-2007, 03:21 AM   #16
Da Guy Wut Owns Dis Joint
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Ah, so it's those pesky limeys again, eh? No wonder they lost they war!
On the other hand, the fact that King George couldn't even sling the lingo might have had some bearing on this.

I'll admit I drink a lot of Coca Cola, but in truth, coffee is still my main drug. I'm not at all surprised that iced coffee would be popular in southern Australia.

Now you have me wondering if the Flanders poppy is a controlled substance up here in the colonies. We have a very strong phramaceutical cartel; but then, we also are responsible for at least 95% of the new drugs invented in the world these days.

I can't guess who first said "Google for it," but I am certainly guilty of having used that term. When I say it, though, I mean to do a Google search. Google's value is diminishing over time but within my experience, it's still the best search engine on the net.

The Wikipedia is a different matter. The quality of articles there varies dramatically, especially depending on the subject matter, and the reliability of the Wikipedia as a whole is in a nose dive as more as more idiots find out that they can screw up the articles. The battle between the trolls and the watchdogs escalates daily.

It's worse than just trolls, though. A great part of the Wikipedia's woes come from an organized effort fomented by one political party in the United States to rewrite every article, even the non-political ones, to support a bias in their favor. It's part of their program to politicize every site on the net. As a result you will find more and more seemingly innocuous aritcles that have been edited and reverted hundreds of times, and more and more reliable authors abandoning the project, including me.

I tried suggesting that the Wikipedia adopt a system of juried articles and assign owners to each, who must approve change requests. That's when I discovered the Wiki Cult. There is a large group of people who gather to stomp on anyone who even hints at such sacrilege. Amusingly, for a whole there was a noticeable overlap between them and those who are rewriting articles with a political bias. They eventually got smart, though. Nowadays most of the editing comes from anonymous people with masked IP addresses. After that, I bid them good luck and refused to invest any more time in it.

Nevertheless, if you check earlier versions of articles in the Wikipedia and can filter out the increasingly annoying political bias, there is still an incredible wealth of information. The science articles are gradually become politicized--junk science gets added in even where it doesn't make sense--and of course all history articles were their first targets, but especially in the arts and hard-core mathematics you will find a lot of neat stuff.
Who are all these people and what do they know?
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