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Old 08-27-2007, 09:07 AM   #4
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 805

Originally Posted by Greg View Post
I have been thinking (which itself is indicative of a dangerous state of the universe) for a very long time that eventually the only distinction among your...
  1. computer
  2. wristwatch
  3. alarm clock
  4. telephone
  5. compass
  6. GPS receiver
  7. network connection
  8. electronic organizer
  9. television
  10. radio
  11. stereo
  12. camera
  13. security system
  14. credit cards
  15. checkbook
  16. library
  17. remote controls
  18. walkie talkie
  19. video game console
  20. iPod
  21. keys
  22. and every other electronic doodad you can think of
... will be form factors and peripherals. Eventually, all these things will merge into a single, small, integrated unit.

B'b'but... what the heck will people call it?


every 4 wheel drive is called a "jeep"

All vacuum cleaners are known as "hoovers" or "oovers".

All dirrigables are called zepelins

They will be called a "Nokia", of course.

News flash.
An Australian "Jeep" driver, has just been caught on radar speed trap. He did the math's, between the two points he was clocked, he would have had to have accelerated up to 15,000 MPH, in under 100 yards. I want that jeep.
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