Thread: Shuttle mission
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Old 08-21-2007, 11:03 AM   #33
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 805

Wot? Sorry Mike, space, not sexy? The stars the heavens, what the hell is that up there?
It's fascinating to me, I can see both the Magellanic clouds, just beside the Southern Cross, with bare eyes, not even binoculars needed. The last shuttle mission, I stood out side and watched the shuttle chase the space station across the milky way. What a sight.
Sorry mate, I suppose you have to have the bug or not. I'll watch any thing NASA put out. I'll watch what the networks put out on NASA.
Family know this, for my 50th birthday they bought me a 30 inch telescope with a 4 inch mirror, it's beautiful, I can see the stars, man, I can see the stars.

I'm still trying to track a certain early model Kodak Digital camera, because it has a CMOS sensor that sees into the near infrared. And as a bonus, the lens fits into the eye piece socket of my telescope. Then just hook her up via USB, to my laptop, I got me a portable astral lab. Hey, that's science isn't it. I can do science me.
Might even get lucky one night and get a happy snap of the shuttle going over.
More likely just a bunch of dots though.
But, you have to try these things. No big hurry, I don't even have to travel to find a dark spot for star gazing. I live out of town, almost at the top of a hill, with nothing but farmland all round me for miles. It's perfect for someone who likes to just lay back and look up.

Need to make space sexy? There is just so much to learn about up there. The photo's that Hubble sends back are absolutely stunning. What don't people find interesting? I think some of those gas clouds and nebulae are the most beautiful sights. There is no artist born can do that.

But then I suppose some people think paying the gas bill is an adventure.
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