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Old 08-15-2007, 05:24 PM   #8
Zirconia Wolf
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Originally Posted by Greg
It would be nice if kids could save up for college. And parents could start a college fund for them. And adults and elders could go to college.
Wow! That would be a great feature! (Never understood why Adults & Elders weren't let to go back to school, as it happens all the time in RL...)

Originally Posted by Greg
I'm not really looking forward to turn-ons and turn-offs. The ones they've got are already painfully sophomoric; doubt that EA will come up with anything better.
Just for the record, I never said I was looking forward to the (possible) new turn-ons & turn-offs in Bon Vouyage, just that it was nice to see an EP include something different in that arena!

Granted, many of the turn-ons & offs in the game seem silly (what woman in her right mind would be turned off by a guy in a tux?) but given the way Sim info is "coded" & stored, I'm not real sure how else EA/Maxis could have programed them. Like it or not, in RL ones appearance is usually what intitally attracts people to each other (as a "nice personality" gal myself I am painfully aware of this) although it would have been nice if they included personality (outgoing, active, etc.) in the list of turn-ons & turn-offs! (Since Sims don't really have a sense of humour persay or enjoy long walks along the beach at night, EA/Maxis didn't have alot of options...)
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