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Old 08-12-2007, 10:39 AM   #17
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 805

I never have played the game to that depth. It is probably a lot to do with the very America centric suburban way of the games structure. Especially the University side of the game.
Sadly, the only knowledge most of the rest of the world has of American society and thinking, is entirely from Hollyweird.
And they can never get it right because of their need to melo-dramatacize every damn silly little thing out of all true proportion.

Then of course, add every hack ever written, just to see what it does. The whole shebang is then crammed into the one merged "hood". From there it goes like
Oh, come on, just one more hack, you can,,,,oops.

Well, I do have an excuse to have a shot at getting greybeards runaway teenage girlfriend through college.
At least I figure that was what she was. Cute little blonde teenager, just walked into his house, sat down and did her homework, then cooked his dinner, and just wouldn't leave. I ended up packing her off to college, to get time, to work on the old fellows gardening badges. Now he mopes around all day thinking about her.

Last edited by shorty943 : 08-12-2007 at 10:47 AM.
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