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Old 08-10-2007, 03:34 AM   #8
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 805

From Greg.

"Option 2: Blocked entry portal

Melinda did successfully leave, but again, maybe the fact that the game reloaded the main neighborhood instead of the university prevented it from removing the old limo, and that limo is blocking the parking spot.

If this were a regular lot, I could try moving a sim in, since moved-in sims do not have to arrive in a vehicle. Unfortunately, it's a hidden lot so that won't work."

Exactly what I was thinking. SS lots vanish on placement. Sort off.

I had a similar problem a long time ago with a career hack. It really screwed with the internal transport system. Buses, Helicopters, beat up smogo's, all trying to get into the pick up slot at the same time.
I also recall a community lot that had a private vehicle parked out front and became recalcitrant, because I had a teenager borrow a car for a shopping trip. Stupid teenager then took taxi home. That left a car in limbo, an owner out a car and a community lot that wouldn't let people drop off.

I just hacked away at the downloads folder and deleted the problems.

If SimPE can't help, there is always the good old delete command.
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