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Old 06-27-2007, 11:51 PM   #23
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 805

I think the best answer there is--- sometimes.

There are kids in junior primary school, out bush, who have never seen rain in their lives. No rain at all for 5, 6, or 7 years.
But, when it rains, it is tropical, torrential. The Todd River, runs through the centre of Alice springs, dry sandy bed for years on end, then out of nowhere, a 4 foot wall of water will rage down the river, and be dry again the next day.

From the early morning news, the east coast got a lashing again yesterday. Snow, snow in elevated, sub-tropical regions of New South Wales. 30 foot waves breaking over city beach breakwater walls. Victoria, our south eastern mainland state, had a dump of over 2 inches of rain yesterday afternoon, another 4 inches forecast for today, and the worst flooding in almost 20 years is to be expected in our south eastern farm lands this week.

But hey, it's winter time here, we sort of expect some rain. Over your way, it is summer time, and yet you are all getting winter weather patterns. What gives?

Who knocked the world on its side, and put as into a global winter weather pattern? And why?
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