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Old 06-27-2007, 12:17 PM   #8
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 805

I've been thinking about that.

Probably not enough power, generated on a global scale, to calm down a Hurricane, Typhoon, Cyclone, Tsunami. And as for a Buster, they got that name because that is what they do to ships. Southern Ocean break away storms, nasty. I've been through Cyclones at sea, Typhoons, North Sea Gales, the lot. Busters are nasty.
Busters, have put over 400 wrecks on our South Australian coast, since colonisation in about 1836. Including an American Whaler named the Independence. Her crew were semi-marooned on Kangaroo Island for 1 year as they built a new vessel to get home in. Her Original anchor, is now a memorial to the crew, located near the fishermans wharfe, at a place oddly enough called, American River, on Kangaroo Island.

Yep, just another toy, for over paid physicists.
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