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Old 06-27-2007, 07:11 AM   #19
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 805

Google:- Gondwanaland. We're over here see? Yoohoo, yes, over here.

We split off at the same time as India, it's just that the graphic artist forgot to include earth rotation. The boffins think we were all part of Antactica or something. Not sure. But, we are still moving north.

As for Polar relocation, that has happened many times over earth's history.

A French theory has the sun as a giant AC\DC thing that changes polarity every few thousand or hundred thousand years.
It has something to do with the ancient Mayan Calender, that just stops dead in about 20 years, and then only turns back. And the fact that they think the sun changes polarity from positive to negative and back again. That would set up some mighty gravitational upheavals, throughout the entire solar system and beyond.
If the theory is sound, that explains the polar relocations.
Spooky huh?
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