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Old 06-17-2007, 07:45 AM   #4
Goddess for Life
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Her very first book was a fantasy called Night Seer. The series she's known for are Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter and the Meredith Gentry Novels. I think she was a writer on the TSR line of D&D novels for a while as well.

The Anita Blake series is about a woman necromancer and vampire executioner in a modern US populated by humans, vampires, lycanthropes, and the odd fey. The last several books have been close to pornographic, to the point where fans have been complaining "more staking, less screwing." This one still has quite a bit of sex, but there's a lot of plot and character development happening!

The Meredith Gentry Novels are set in a slightly different world and focus on the fay. They were soft core pornographic from the get-go, but at least have the excuse that the main character, Merry Gentry, is trying to get pregnant in order to become queen. At this point, it's a forgone conclusion that she will become queen; it's just a matter of how many books the author can drag it out through. Since the last two books have taken 400 pages to get through 5 hours time (each), I don't really want to make any estimates.
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