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Crystal Raven 04-02-2007 10:56 PM

Pets Codes!!!
Anyone else figure this out...probably, but I just found out about it!
Go to the ... where you save etc
click Game Options (they look like gears)
click the key
click another key

type in the following code for the following result:
ZZZ11ZZZ9Q11Q91ZB1A Cat Collar Black Dot
EEGJ2YRQQZ1RQ9QHA64 Cat Collar Black Smiley
EEGJ2YRQZZARQ9QHA64 Cat Collar Blue Bones
ZZZ11ZZZHQ11Q91ZB1A Cat Collar Blue Camo
EEGJ2YRQQZ1IZ9QHA64 Cat Collar Blue Star
EEGJ2YRZQZAIQ9QHA64 Cat Collar Green Flower
EEGJ2YRZQZ1IQ9QHA64 Cat Collar Navy Hearts
EEGJ2YRQQZAIQ9QHA64 Cat Collar Orange Diagonal
EEGJ2YRQQQARQ9QHA64 Cat Collar Pink Vertical Stripes
EEGJ2YRQQQ1RQ9QHA64 Cat Collar White Paws
EEGJ2YRZZQ1IZ9QHA64 Cat Collar White Zebra Stripe

ZZZ11ZZZ9QA1Z91ZB1A Green Cats
EEGJ2YRZZQ1RQ9QHA64 Light Green Cats
ZZZ11ZZZHQA1Q91ZB1A Neon Green Cats
EEGJ2YRZZQARQ9QHA64 Neon Yellow Cats
TB6IPB1R1FDMRIQT6DG Get Star the Dalmaton
EEGJ2YRQZZ1IQ9QHA64 Black Dot Collar
ZZZ11ZZZ9QAAQ91ZB1A Black Smiley Collar
ZZZ11ZZZHZ11Z91ZB1A Blue Bones Collar
ZZZ11ZZZHZ1AQ91ZB1A or ZZZ11ZZZHQ11Q91ZB1A Blue Camouflage Collar
ZZZ11ZZQHQ11Q91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQZQ1IQ9QHA64 Blue Star Collar
EEGJ2YRQZZ1RQ9QHA64 Green Flower Collar
EEGJ2YRQQZ1IQ9QHA64 Navy Hearts Collar
EEGJ2YRZQZ1IZ9QHA64 Orange Diagonal Stripes Collar
ZZZ11ZZZHZA1Q91ZB1A Pink Vertical Stripes Collar
ZZZ11ZZZ9Q11Z91ZB1A White Paws Collar
ZZZ11ZZZHZ11Q91ZB1A White Zebra Collar

ZZZ11ZZZ9Q1AQ91ZB1A Light Green Fur
ZZZ11ZZZ9QA1Q91ZB1A Neon Green Fur
EEGJ2YRZQZAIZ9QHA64 Star Coat Markings
EEGJ2YRZZQAIZ9QHA64 Zebra Stripes.
EEGJ2YRQZQARQ9QHA64 or ZZZ11ZZQHQAAQ91ZB1A Bandit Mask for dogs.
YYY11WW9ZQAIH93ZA62 Panda Coat Marking for Cats

Crystal Raven 04-02-2007 11:26 PM

lookie I made a Panda Cat!!! :D

Zirconia Wolf 05-01-2007 03:53 PM

Anybody else out there having troubles with these Unlock Codes & Seasons?

I had a package file in my Downloads folder (from MTS2) that unlocked all this stuff & it was working great...when I had everything up to Pets installed.

Now that I have Seasons/Celebrations, for the life of me I can't get these codes to work anymore! They still show up in the "unlocked" list, but they are NOT available when I'm in Create-a-Sim/Pet!!!

I tried entering some of the codes again & even added my "personal message" (which re-generates the code) & still no dice!


(It's reeeeeaaaaly hard to make a decent Collie with no Bandit Markings! )


Miros1 05-01-2007 04:40 PM

Do they work at the mirror? The owner just goes to any mirror and picks "Change {Pet}'s Appearance."

Zirconia Wolf 05-01-2007 05:30 PM

Nope, they don't show up in mirrors or the "mini" Create-a-Pet screen that you get at pet stores either.

The annoying part is that all the codes are listed in that "Unlocked Pet Codes" list under the game settings, just like they were before.

So far as I know, none of my mods conflict with anything in CAS.

(Oh, & yes I have Custom Content enabled. Not that I would ever forget to check such a thing....:o )

If I use the Maxis "defualt" Collie (ick) I can recolor the Bandit Mask marking layer, but I can't create/re-create another one. My ultimate goal is to create a set of saved "blank" (base coat only) breed templets that I think better represent the different breeds, which I can then use to color as I see fit when a Sim goes to a pet store* to pick out their four legged pal.

As it stands now, I can create the "blank slate" pets just fine, but without access to things like Bandit Markings, I won't ever be able to get many of the coat patterns to look right at the store.

Looks like Leod McGreggor's Collie will just have to wait untill I get this problem solved!


* Actually, in my game all "pet stores" are called shelters & breed rescues. I'm a huge beliver in adopting (as opposed to buying) pets!

Greg 05-01-2007 08:33 PM

What do those codes do?

Zirconia Wolf 05-01-2007 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Greg (Post 1382)
What do those codes do?

They "unlock" things like different collar/fur patterns & colors you can use when designing your own Cats & Dogs in game. It's kinda like the user-made custom content you can get (like hair, etc) for human Sims, it's just you can't "access" it in game untill you enter the code(s).

For example, one of the markings you need to "unlock" is a Bandit Mask, like the kind you would find on a Collie. Without the code in place, (or not working as in my case) you can't access this marking when designing at pet.

They aren't earth shatteringly important or anything, but several of the markings really make a custom pet look "right".


(You get a code whenever a pet earns a promotion in a pet career, but once you have "learned" the code, you can share them with anyone else you want. I had originally downloaded such a package file from MTS2, as I didn't want to wait! )

Greg 05-01-2007 09:15 PM

Aha! Now it makes sense. It sounds like the folks at EA were trying to think of a way to add in a reward for that you can earn by playing pets so that they earn promotions, and that's what they came up with.

Of course, that assumes that you want your pet to be promoted.

Zirconia Wolf 05-01-2007 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by Greg
Of course, that assumes that you want your pet to be promoted.

There's the rub! I (personally) think the concept of your pet running off to work on it's own is kinda silly. I have yet to see a police dog without a handler, I really liked the idea that once someone gets a code, they are able to share it with other players.

I just don't understand why Seasons doesn't want to play nice like Pets did.

UPDATE : I removed the package file from my download folder & tried to enter the codes by hand. Seasons will NOT accept them!

Very annoying! (I do NOT want to have to fool around with pet careers just to get my stupid game to aknowlage the codes....especially since there are sooooo many of them! )


homerette 05-01-2007 09:34 PM

Do you have the patched version of Seasons?

Zirconia Wolf 05-01-2007 10:42 PM

Yes, I did install the "patch" for Seasons...if fixing 3 things can really be called an Offical Patch!:confused:

Just letting folks know (like they care) that I re-downloaded & re-installed the Unlock Package Files from MTS2.

For whatever reason, it appears to have actually worked! (WooHoo! Leod can finally get his Collie! )

While I have to say I'm tickled that I got everything working again, this doesn't explain A) why these very same codes stopped working in the first place, or B) why manually typing in the codes (like you are supposed to be able to do) didn't work!

While problem A has all the earmarks of a CJBAPITA* thing, problem B has me worried that people who have both Pets & Seasons (& who don't cheat like me) won't be able to get the codes they generate to work for them.


*Stands for Computer Just Being A Pain In The A#%.

homerette 05-02-2007 01:16 AM

I've actually heard of several people describing similar problems after installing Pets and/or Seasons with different hacks/cheats. I think when you install the new program without removing the hacks, it somehow just disables them until you remove and re-install. It really only seems to be an issue with cheats and hacks.

At least you got the patch to work, mine says I need to re-install Seasons first. I say, forget about it!

Miros1 05-02-2007 02:59 AM

So I'll just hide my "kissingpoints" file before installing Seasons and put it back later...

Zirconia Wolf 05-02-2007 04:33 AM


Originally Posted by homerette
At least you got the patch to work, mine says I need to re-install Seasons first. I say, forget about it!

Good gravey!? It wants you to re-install Seasons just to fix 3 #%@! things???? (As you can tell, I am less than awe inspired by the Seasons "patch." )

Looking at what the patch fixes, I can't say any of it seems earth shattering so I think your right to just let this one go.

On a semi-related note, in my pursuit of a solution/explaination for my little problem I stumbled across a thread about the Ottomas family that's in the Riverblossom Hills Sim Bin. Seems that they are causing people all kinds of troubles that are- once again- tied into corupted "who's my daddy" files & an impeding child birth. (A similar thing happend with un-patched Pets & the Crittur family. ) Apparently the thing to do is end Mrs Ottomas's pregnacy (InSIM or InTEEN can do this) & re-impregnate her (if you wish) in the game. Just FYI to any Seasons players out there...


Originally Posted by Miros1
So I'll just hide my "kissingpoints" file before installing Seasons and put it back later...

God yes! I wish I has been smart enough to do that!


Greg 05-03-2007 09:43 PM

What are "kissingpoints" and "who's my daddy" files?

Somewhere in my aging brain an idea is trying to congeal. The game needs a whole new feature--something embedded in each data file that tells:
  • what software it needs to run
  • where it came from
  • whether alternative versions are available or in development

I guess the basic idea is to build a robust file manager into the core software.

Zirconia Wolf 05-04-2007 04:20 AM

Whoops! Sorry! (I forget that not everyone as all EP's installed like me... )

The "kissingpoints" package is- for whatever reason- the actuall Maxis name of the package file in controll of the various unlockable content in Pets. Why they decided on "kissingpoints" is beyond me...but I'm just a game player, not a programer!

As for the "who's my daddy" thing, that's not an actuall package file name or anything but just me using some lame attempt at a slang term for the whatchamacallit that controlls the bit of data responsible for "telling" a given baby/puppy/kitten what ID number it's biological father is. While this thingy works just swell for any pregnacies created in game, it's seriously borked in two cases, both of which involve pre-made families with expecting mommies in the Sim Bin.

The 1st case of "borkness" was with Sarah & Danny Crittur, two dogs who come with Pets. Sarah comes "in the family way" so to speak, & the father ID was (originally) messed up. This was all fixed with the last Pets patch though.

Borked problem #2 is with the Ottomas family that you get with Seasons. Again, it's another case of a "pre-made pregnacy" glitch but as I said this is easily fixed with InSim/InTeen (or whathaveyou) by just ending & re-starting Samantha's pregnancy. Don't listen to all the over hyped crap about this on other boards! This "problem" is ridiculously easy to deal with & totally not worth the countless freaked-out "warning" posts I waded through. I followed the instuctions I found (in the 1 sane, overlooked post in the whole thread) & have been quite enjoying the Ottomas clan...though I did accidently make them even harder to play by getting over zealous with my re-impregnation efforts...but I'm saving that little story for my impending web-site!


(LOVE your ideas about improving the game file thing! )

homerette 05-04-2007 04:52 AM

Is that why my Crittur family never works? She'll not eat or use any of the accoutrements. He'll play with things, but not eat. I have patched pets and seasons installed, but its still a problem. Not a big one, I just delete them from the sim bin.

Greg 05-04-2007 04:53 AM

I can't even begin to guess what "kissingpoints" would have to do with pet promotions. In fact, I'm not sure I'd want to see into the minds of the folks who came up with one! :lol:

Yup, I get the impression that a lot of the sims fans who are raising all the drama on the boards are really just auditioning to be CNN news writers.

Impending web site? That could be fun! :D

Miros1 05-04-2007 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by homerette (Post 1421)
Is that why my Crittur family never works? She'll not eat or use any of the accoutrements. He'll play with things, but not eat. I have patched pets and seasons installed, but its still a problem. Not a big one, I just delete them from the sim bin.

The Kat family is almost as bad... one cat will destroy a piece of furniture in the first few seconds if you don't watch carefully.

Basically, both sets of pets are trained bass-ackwards from the way any sane person would train them.

To "untrain" Danny and Sarah, drop a plate of Sim food on the floor and let them eat enough to avert starvation. Then scold them. This breaks their training to eat "people food." At that point they will eat pet food when really hungry. Praise them as much as possible when they do this, and they will eventually be trained to eat pet food. Or you can use the cheat that makes pets fully controllable and force them to eat pet food, then praise them. That's a little better for the relationship score!

You also need to do this with the Kat menagerie. Quickly scold them often for scratching the furniture and sleeping on the beds. Praise them for scratching the condo and sleeping in the pet beds. You also need to move the condo away from the wall so they can scratch it -- whoever set up that house never even tried to play it!

The problem Zirconia mentioned is this... If you let Sarah have her puppies (or Rose have her baby) the way Maxis set them up, some random Sim will show up in the family tree as the daddy. You need to get any one of several fixes to repair this. I think at least one of them will fix the plant people too.

If you look at my No-Ugly-Townies thread, there's a way to prevent any of the Pets or Seasons premade families from ever showing up in your new 'hoods. Much tidier than deleting them after the fact!

Miros1 05-04-2007 07:29 AM

I suspect the pregnancy problem can be replicated very easily... Just create a couple, give them a vacant lot and a bed and get them pregnant. Pack up the lot and install in another 'hood. Presto, instant paternity suit against some innocent Sim!

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