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Miros1 04-01-2007 06:35 PM

Daniel and Suzy (Cute Pet pictures)
One of my families adopted a toddler, Daniel, who couldn't even make it into the house without stopping to cuddle Suzi, the small dog. Yes, that's Suzi's limo in the background.

BTW, pet food is a perfectly acceptable food for toddlers if you can handle the grossness factor. Never goes bad and they can help themselves!

Greg 04-01-2007 09:29 PM

Suzi has her own limo? Is there more to this story? :eek:

Miros1 04-02-2007 03:43 AM

Not really. She's just a small dog at the top of the Showbusiness career, so her car pool is the big limo.

I was actually trying to torment you with excessive dog/toddler cuteness, but Photobucket seems to have made my video rather grainy.

This was also a test of uploading videos to Photobucket and linking them to the board.

Greg 04-09-2007 04:46 PM

Oh, neat! I was unaware that the image was a clickable link.

Yup, that's definitely a cuteness overload!

I shall resist... I am strong... I shall resist...

Wren 04-09-2007 06:39 PM

Aw that video is to cute!:blob7:
The toddlers in my game eat nothing but dog food cuz I'm spiteful and don't like feeding them.:p

Originally Posted by Greg (Post 791)
I shall resist... I am strong... I shall resist...

Aw, you don't want fluffy puppies and kittens? And the cool space age furniture, like the new phone and TV and stuff?? Shame on you.:p

Greg 04-10-2007 12:51 AM

Fluffy puppies are definitely appealing, especially the part where the toddler hugs the puppy. But what I don't want it all the work of having to update all my game hacks and custom objects.

Miros1 04-10-2007 02:39 AM

Progress report: I've successfully locked the nanny out of the kitchen. She does go in and get bottles for the baby, but she comes right back out without setting fire to anything!

Seriously, if you don't want pets to chew or sit on the custom objects, you don't have to update them. It's like the pre-Uni bookcases or pre-OFB refrigerators... if you can live without the extra functionality, just leave them alone.

Hack... well, now that you've got NL installed, there's a file with all your hacks listed. Print it out, check off what's up to date with that archaic device, a pen...

dudesim 04-10-2007 02:48 AM

Well that was cool..never seen a sim movie before:)

Miros1 04-10-2007 02:49 AM

I have a really cool one somewhere that I edited together a bunch of pieces and put titles and credits on. Looks kind of neat, but I didn't turn up the size before I "filmed" it.

Forgot to add... dogs can sniff and lick toddlers too, but I don't have a picture.

Miros1 04-10-2007 04:55 AM

Toddlers will love you even if you have doggie b.o. Wilfred is the dog. I finally figured out the toddler is Cleo Shaffer. The potty stuff at the end is from when I was trying to figure out why Cleo was having so much trouble going. Turned out to be that JMP's Baby Controller didn't like the custom potty chair. Go figure...
BTW, it was Cleo's nanny who burned down half the kitchen, prompting an expensive kitchen remodel and the experiments in nanny banning.

Chance Gorham is the toddler; Therese is the dog. Sorry about the jerky start!

Greg 04-10-2007 11:24 PM


Miros1 04-11-2007 12:23 AM

You know you want it.

Zirconia Wolf 04-15-2007 08:15 PM

(Yes Greg, listen to the voices from the Dark Side! )

Miros: you say you managed to get the Nanny banned from the kitchen. How did you do it? (Door locks, baby controller mod... ? )

That would be a VERY cool feature!


Miros1 04-15-2007 09:38 PM

Apparently, I just got lucky... I locked the kitchen door using the standard Maxis lock and the new nanny's only been in there once to get milk for the baby, left promptly, and hasn't attempted to cook for herself. Instead she sits in the living room watching cooking shows. I'm thinking the old nanny (RIP, you old bat) got created before I installed lobonanny (by JMP), so she still had some free will left in her.

JMP claims the only way to keep nannies out of the kitchen is to use his APO mod and disallow Nuisances. If any more nannies set fire to anything, I'll use that.

BTW, toddlers will autonomously cuddle dogs and cats. You want it, Greg!

Zirconia Wolf 04-16-2007 06:44 AM

Hmmmm. I'll have to give that a try!

So Lobonanny is okay to use (won't set my computer on fire) without the Baby Controller? That's good to know, cause I pulled it when I dumped the Baby Controller! (Nerver got the darn thing to work quite right! Anyway I've since found other mods that do what I wanted, so it seemed redundant. )

It will be nice to know I can stop fearing Nannies!


Miros1 04-16-2007 10:36 AM

Well, I use Baby Controller too, although it doesn't work well with custom baby items. But I figure it can't hurt if you feed the babies right before leaving (or leave an extra bowl of dog food for toddlers), since I prefer nannies who just sit there watching tv.

The thing is, lobonanny does its job when the nanny is created; existing nannies are still Maxis stupid with a small amount of free will. I think there's directions on how to lobotomize existing nannies using SimPE on MATY.

Zirconia Wolf 04-16-2007 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Miros1 (Post 1079)
The thing is, lobonanny does its job when the nanny is created; existing nannies are still Maxis stupid with a small amount of free will.

I have NEVER understood what the "logic" is behind the whole Maxis Nanny Behavior! Seriously, I think the "Nanny Union" should protest/sue for slander!

Since I'm not (currently) using the Baby Controller, I guess I better leave Lobonanny out too & just keep a parent around the house.



(Hmmm. On second thought, maybe InSIM's thingy-that-can-take-controll-of-visiting-Sims would work. I really gotta look into more of the features of these mods I keep downloading! )

Miros1 04-16-2007 02:09 PM

What really peeved me about the kitchen fire was that Cleo almost got taken away by the social worker! I did get the "child home alone" message, but Dad got home from work in time to avert the actual abduction by the social worker.

Greg 04-17-2007 06:22 PM

My solution to nannies has always been to modify their personalities to be very nice, very active, very neat Family sims. I also give them the skills a nanny ought to have, especially cooking and cleaning. So far, no problems. They take good care of the kids and don't do nasty stuff.

Why did a kitchen fire result in a "child home alone" message?

Miros1 04-18-2007 02:43 AM

Because the nanny incinerated herself (and almost the maid too!)

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