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Sita 10-22-2007 05:29 PM

Toddler skills help please?
:help1: Are there any hacks or hacked objects (not Inseminator please) that increase toddler skills quickly and painlessly:zipped: ? While I love watching the little ones they get very few skills, and it becomes a trial of how long the parents can stay awake and put the baby on the potty before he wets himself yet again...
I have sometimes resorted to playing with an object that sets all energy in the house to high, but that makes for a very hectic few days. And I do like playing dynasties and seeing how the kids turn out.

Zirconia Wolf 10-22-2007 05:51 PM

So far, the only non-InSim option I know about for "Toddler Skilling" is Simskys Smart Toddler Painting. It lets your toddler learn Walking, Talking or Potty Training instantly, depending on what icon you click in the painting.

You can find it at MTS2 here:

Alternatively, here is the link to Simsky's home site:


Simlogical has a cool mod that makes Toddlers in their cribs after 8 pm sleep clear through the night (until 6 am) unless Hunger is critically low! You can get it here:

Miros1 10-22-2007 08:29 PM

You can pump the whole 5-pack of Smart Milk into the kid, which will give about a 500 IQ (5x learning speed). If you get lucky, the 5th bottle will "stick" and the kid will have that 500 IQ until he or she goes to Uni, assuming you don't have to force errors, move to a different house, or have to hit "Reset" to an error dialog.

I've also heard the toddler learns faster if mom or dad wears the light bulb helmet while teaching.

Sita 10-22-2007 08:47 PM

Ah! perfect. Thank you :)

I knew Dave Luv was about somewhere, knew him from Sims 1 days.

I don't use the Smart Milk because it only works when parents are in gold aspiration and mine never are.... :trout:

Greg 10-22-2007 10:52 PM

My favorite trick for potty training is to turn on the testing cheats (which in reality are always on in my game) and keep lowering the toddler's bladder motive until training success is achieved. Talking and walking are no problem. Just make sure the parent and child are fresh and let 'em go.

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