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Greg 07-23-2007 01:20 AM

How to Clean Out Memories with SimPE
How to Clean Out Memories

This is relatively safe. Be careful not to delete "tokens" but you can get away with deleting just about anything and everything else. It's always safe to delete memories that say they're owned by somebody else; that's just gossip your sim picked up along the way.

It's a Really Good Idea to get rid of any memories that are like "Did something with Unknown." Those are references to non-existent or corrupted sims.

If you delete "Got married to..." and stuff like that, your sim will still be married (that's defined in the Relatinships tables) but won't wear a ring on the wrong finger.
  1. Back up your neighborhood.
  2. Did you make a backup? Well, do it now! Just duplicate your N00x folder somewhere that the game can't get to it.
  3. Start SimPE.
  4. You didn't make a backup, did you? Well, darn, use SimPE's "Create Backup" feature!
  5. I don't care if it's boring to wait for a backup to complete. Do it! If you don't mess up today, some nasty bug will bite your game next week so you'll be really glad you have that backup!
  6. OK, all backed up now? Then proceed.
  7. Tools... Neighborhood... open a neighborhood in the Neighborhood browser.
  8. Wait for it to load.
  9. Keep waiting! It hasn't even started to load yet.
  10. Oh, now it looks like something is loading!
  11. Finally a bunch of files appear. That must mean it's loaded, but better wait a bit more just in case.
  12. OK, it must be all loaded by now!
  13. Click on Neighborhood/Memory
    With the version of SimPE I have right now, I have to scroll down the "List" tab at the bottom, select the one item on the list, and then choose "Plug-In View."
  14. Wait for it to load. Your sims should appear in the left-hand side at the bottom of the window.
  15. Find your victim. You might have to snoop through the households.
  16. Be overwhelmed by all the gossip cluttering your sim's mind.
  17. Select a memory to delete. Click "Remove".
    The link to "Remove" is near the bottom, below the list.
  18. Delete some more stuff. Then delete lots more stuff.
  19. Click Commit. <--- Don't forget to Commit the changes.
  20. Save.

Miros1 07-23-2007 02:23 AM

I think the Lot Debugger also includes a memory cleaner...

Zirconia Wolf 07-23-2007 03:29 AM


Thanks for the fast "response" time!

(I know the Lot Debugger can wipe the "Mystery Sim" memories of Sims that don't need them, but I haven't yet checked if it can wipe more...)

Greg 07-24-2007 12:47 AM

The version of the Lot Debugger that I have will clear all gossip but won't clear all memories of Mystery Sim.

Zirconia Wolf 09-17-2007 07:46 PM

Not that I enjoy reviving old threads, but:

Is the memory "Did Not Go To College" considered a token or not?

I have a cheaty-way (involving the Lot DeBugger & other hacks) of giving the existing Adults/Elders in the game their "retroactive" diplomas (complete with memories in most cases) & would like to do the same with Johnny Smith & Ophelia Nigmos (in Strangetown) in my next go-around, but when they grow up in the game (with UNI installed) they always keep their "Did Not Go To College" memory.

I'm afraid that giving them a retro "graduated" memory too could give me grief later....

Greg 09-18-2007 02:15 AM

I haven't had any problems with using the "Upgrade Pre-University Sim" cheat on the Lot Debugger even though some of the townies have the "Never went to college" memory. On the other hand, I haven't been paying enough attention to the possible career choices to really know.

Zirconia Wolf 09-18-2007 03:24 AM

Hey, as long as it doesn't cause a BFBVFS, I'm happy!

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