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keno 06-20-2007 07:28 PM

Hi. I just started my own website. i linked to yours. now i'm looking for where to go to get you linked to me. and do i have to have a button or just an URL? if you just need the URL, here it is:
and i would like this for a description:
"Browse our Sims stuff or learn how to make your own!"

If this is the wrong place to post this, please let me know that, also. thank you for your time.

Miros1 06-20-2007 08:23 PM

Hi Keno! Don't forget to put your link on the Ultimate Sims List!

I think there's a forum for people to post their links... Greg will be here shortly to clarify and give instructions.

Greg 06-21-2007 12:25 AM

Welcome, Keno!

I'm afraid clarification about the Ultimate Sims List is a little weak at the moment: I need to come up with a whole new scheme for adding sites, and haven't done that yet. :blush2:

keno 06-21-2007 03:06 AM

Oh, ok. i thought it might be something like that, since your whole deal is kinda "in conversion". I'll try to stay tuned to see when ur up. not like my site is in full swing yet, anyways. thanks for your help :)

Greg 06-21-2007 05:05 AM

My grand scheme is rewrite the script where people can submit sites to the Ultimate Sims List, and use the Sun Sims user database for logins. That way, each entry can have an owner who can maintain the entry.

I want to add some fields for type of site, too. That's another key feature we've been talking in the Ultimate Sims List Forum section of the Sun Sims board.

keno 06-22-2007 08:56 PM

since everything is still in development, may i post a suggestion? in my recent dealings with web development (i caved in and just went ahead and learned HTML last night) i have run into a lot of problems with search engines and not being allowed to change a description or keywords for my site. If this isn't a big pain for you, it would be great if you could allow users to edit descriptions, and since you're thinking about dividing your lists into sects, i'm sure a site-based search engine isn't too far away for you guys, so maybe you could let keywords be changed if you ever put a search engine on. thx :)

Greg 06-23-2007 01:23 PM

I think that's an excellent idea. It's pretty much essential to the feature where webmasters would "own" the entries for their sites in the Ultimate Sims List. See here for a topic about that specific feature.

The Ultimate Sims List does have its own search feature. You can choose what text to search for and what fields to search, including key words. It does this by reading the front page of your site to see what it finds in your meta tags. (So do all the big search engines.) I know that page can be improved so I'm eager to hear suggestions for new features. There's a section of the Sun Sims forums for recommending Ultimate Sims List features.

See this Ultimate Sims List page for how to do meta tags on your site. It has a form where you can fill in the data for your site and have it generate the meta tags for you.
This was another brainchild of Mike Smith, the original creator of the Ultimate Sims List.

And wouldn't ya know it? As soon as tried to test The List's ability to query meta tags on remote sites, I discovered a bug that was preventing the Ultimate Sims List from getting key words! :lol:

I know how to fix that bug and started a new topic for bug reports about that specific bug in case anyone else runs into that one.

This bug must have come up when I moved from a dedicated web server to a shared server. I understand why the shared server is set up the way it is; enabling remote file access can create a horrible mess if you do it wrong.

keno 07-05-2007 07:42 PM

i didn't see your post before my previous reply, but it looks like that was all pretty much a piece of what you had in mind to begin with. i think that's great and def worth the time to fix the site for. i've recently noticed that there are modding communities for almost every game and utility you can think of. i was wondering, since you guys did so great listing the sims mod sites, do you do "ultimate" lists for other modding groups as well?

Greg 07-05-2007 09:26 PM

Oh, that's a neat idea!

I would need to include some "admin" kinds of features. A lot of manual work is involved in maintaining the list, so there would need to be special admin privileges. (I do it on the Ultimate Sims List using Basic Auth access control.)

Once I've figured out how to let the Ultimate Sims List query the Sun Sims user database, I'll see what would be involved in adding a whole parallel list.

keno 07-06-2007 04:49 AM

hey greg, did you have to get a merchant's account to get the PayPal donate button?

Greg 07-06-2007 04:19 PM

Keno, yes, I think when I wanted to add a donate button, PayPal gave me the option of upgrading to a merchant account. I'm not sure what that entails; it didn't seem to cost any money other that the amount that PayPal keeps from every donation.

keno 07-06-2007 04:33 PM

Yeah, i was gettin blurry on it for a minute, but i think i got it. To get the buttons from PayPal, you need a business account with them. To be able to accept credit cards, you need a merchant account. You have to have a business license (available at Clerk's Ofiice) to begin to obtain a merchant account (which you get from the banks). The merchant account also lets you own those credit-card swipers. that sounds right anyways :)

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