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Crystal Raven 03-31-2007 03:58 PM

How Bella Got her Groove Back
By now we have all realized that Bella is NOT dead and was simply abducted by aliens...

Well she's baaaaaaaaaaaaack and even better than ever with a new look!!!

But no one seemed real pleased to see her, except of course, Alexander!

And her and Mortimer (a very much aged Mortimer) starting arguing almost straight away!

At which point Bella called a cab, grabbed her cat, Spooky, and Alexander and left!

Miros1 03-31-2007 07:16 PM


Wren 04-01-2007 12:09 AM

Hehe, Bella's lookin' stylin!

Crystal Raven 04-01-2007 12:08 PM

Here is where Bella is at:
Bella is a Cancer and a Romance Sim, her LTW is to Woohoo 20 Different Sims. She found a beautiful new house built by Maxis, and moved her, Alexander and Spooky in. Then she hired a live-in maid who took to drinking in the early morning and was quickly dismissed! Then next night, at 2 am, a mysterious stranger named Monique Maid arrived at the Goth residence and immediately started cleaning up the place, Bella has since seduced her bringing her count up to 1. Alexander has grown into a teen, remained an A+ student in the private school he attends, but will history repeat itself?...

thankfully NOT! As you can see upon Alexander's return Bella is gleefully cheering in the background! He also won the prestigious Extraterrestrial Reparation Grant as well as the SimCity Scholar's Grant and will be heading off to college quite soon. It remains to be seen if his "Become a Werewolf" Want will be fulfilled before then!
Back to Bella though; she made friends with The Gypsy and promptly seduced her as well, bringing her score up to two! Needless to say, Monique Maid was not impressed and quite the fight ensued between her and the gypsy!
Bella, being Bella and quite bored with all the fuss, decided to check out an Art Gallery called Van Dough over in Bluewater. She was so impressed she bought the business and property, relocated it to Pleasantview and renamed it Goth-ic Gallery. Bella has hired two employees, one of which was promoted to Manager, built herself an office and intends on doing more renovations soon! Bella is also on the Paranormal Career Track and being as ambitious as she is, has already been promoted up to Douser and brings home $1,092 a day and is well on her way to becoming a Cult Leader! Bella's cat Spooky is also doing well, has learned quite a few tricks and is looking into a Service Career.
So what is Bella planning exactly? Revenge on Mortimer? To take over Pleasantview? Become a Homewrecker? All of the above?

Miros1 04-01-2007 01:20 PM

Come on, she's gotta include Mort in her 20 Woohoos!

Crystal Raven 04-01-2007 06:05 PM


Crystal Raven 04-02-2007 01:39 AM

Monique Maid was abducted! (what is with this house?) So Bella decides this would be a good time to call up Mortimer to see what he is up to. She ends up inviting him over AND as the jealous Monique is not around....

is up to #3!!! :D
Immediately after Bella thinks she hears some kind of tinkling little bells :eek:
and promptly slaps Mortimer and kicks him out of the house!!!

Crystal Raven 04-02-2007 05:45 PM

Well Alexander has gone off to college without becoming a Werewolf, though he did see a couple and not for lack of trying.
Monique Maid has become more of a burden than an asset, as far as Bella is concerned, as she just keeps on having jealous rages which are not conductive to Bella's LTW!
So with having her son gone off to college, firing her live-in maid/lover and expecting a third child fathered by Mortimer, Bella decides its time to really really DO something with her life! Something that will extract the revenge she seeks, give her the power she wants AND fulfill her LTW. Bella buys a ranch, but not just any ranch :D

yes sir and ma'am that IS in fact the one and only Chicken Ranch!!!
Bella has had it restored to its formerly glory, is out looking for perspective Woohoo Workers and some chickens!!!

Greg 04-03-2007 06:56 AM

Aha! A whole new take on Bella Goth! (In my game, I sent Mortimer off to Dr. Tolad and made him youthful again. Then Mort and Bella had a happy reunion.)

Y'know, that Chicken Ranch looks just like the one in the movie!

Crystal Raven 04-03-2007 01:14 PM


Y'know, that Chicken Ranch looks just like the one in the movie!
Well thats kinda what I was aiming for!!! :p

Greg 04-04-2007 04:54 PM

Now you just need a bunch of Aggies. :D

Crystal Raven 04-04-2007 07:30 PM

i got parrots instead :googlyeyes:

Greg 04-05-2007 04:02 AM

I have this strange inkling of a thought that parrots would not be nearly as lucractive a source of paying customers for the Chicken Ranch as Aggies would be.

Crystal Raven 04-05-2007 11:46 AM

ummmm Aggies aren't chickens???
We do have Woohoo Workers!!! :trout:

Miros1 04-05-2007 01:44 PM

Lol, Greg forgot you're Canadian!

Aggies are students at Texas A&M University. One of songs from the musical refers to where "Aggie boys get made."

I do think I've seen some chickens around somewhere... maybe Echo on MTS2? I'll look and post a link if I find any.

Crystal Raven 04-05-2007 06:47 PM


innocentmonster 04-08-2007 01:41 AM

I liked it,it's good please continue as soon as possible

Greg 04-08-2007 02:30 AM

Did they actually raise chickens at the Chicken Ranch?

Miros1 04-08-2007 03:33 AM

It was called the Chicken Ranch because some of the customers paid with barter. So they "raised" chickens until the "fees" became dinner!

Greg 04-08-2007 03:37 AM

Ah, they must have served a lot of chicken and dumplings at the dinner table!

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