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Hokieman 07-16-2008 04:54 AM

Snow Won't Go Away
This one's one of those things that has gone weird in my game and I'm wondering if anyone else has run into it.

One of my lots is keeping the light coating of snow all year round and I can't seem to be able to get rid of it. All the weather works fine year round but the snow won't go away. It even affects the neighborhood view. In build mode, the grass comes back and the snow goes away.

This lot was salvaged from a prior game gone kablooie. It was one of several I managed to extract from the trashed game. Several were saved in various seasons but this is the only one that's giving me this problem. It was last saved in the winter. Anyway, I've tried the obvious stuff like changing the season to winter and then spring again with the aspriation weather machine object and letting the seasons cycle through. But the snow won't go away. It also tends to crash alot but that might be to an object I haven't found yet. It also gives me a "Cannot create the 3D device" error most of the time between the the neighborhood screen and the lot opening but hitting the space bar clears that and the lot opens ok.

Anybody got any suggestions?

homerette 07-16-2008 05:39 AM

I've run into it before, and I'm sorry to say that I found no way to fix it. I had some kind of glitch in game play and I think that's what caused it. I had another in the houses and lots bin and used it several other times afterward with nary a problem. I just assumed it was some form of corruption and moved my people out. I never had the crashing or the error when I had the problem with the lot. Sorry I can't be more helpful.

Greg 07-16-2008 11:43 AM

Is it normal for snow to go away in build mode? :thinking:

Miros1 07-16-2008 02:09 PM

Greg, yes, it is. You need to see the actual ground when placing walls and such. It also goes away in Buy mode to help you find stuff left outside in the fall, like the dog's dish.

Hokieman, I suspect it might be related to your 3D device error. I just got up, so I need to finish waking up and think about it.

Hokieman 07-19-2008 05:02 AM

After playing this lot for the last few evenings, I finally got the snow to go away in the Spring. How I got there was to use the aspiration object to set the season to Winter. I played through Winter and still had snow in Spring. But I realized that I never had a snowstorm which was odd. So I reset to Winter again and then used the object to make it snow. After it starting snowing, I used the object to turn the snow off. And afterwards, the game started snowing again. At one point I thought it wasn't going to stop but it finally did. When Spring came, the ground cover transitioned and the snow went away completely leaving a nice green lawn. I still have to play through the seasons to make sure but I think it fixed itself.

Miros1 07-19-2008 09:29 AM


Greg 07-19-2008 12:19 PM


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