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Peake Preusse 04-12-2007 04:10 AM

Inteenimater for Seasons
I was just was over at Jase439's site and Inteenimater for Seasons is now available.

Jase439's Inteenimater Hack

Greg 04-12-2007 04:42 AM

That brings up an interesting question: What does Inteenimator do?

All I know of it is that it enables teen pregnancy. That's an interesting and quite realistic addition to the game, but not something I've ever really wanted for in my game. So... does it do anything else that might be interesting?

Peake Preusse 04-12-2007 01:56 PM

The main reason I use it is I use as 100% effective impregnation method my female sims, the reverse is also true. Another "selling point" for me, is with it that my lesbian couples can have their own children. Inteen also has options about speeding up the pregnancy. I know most of what inteen does is done by Insim, I still prefer Inteen

Miros1 04-12-2007 02:37 PM

Your two uses can be done with the Tombstone of Life and Death (ToLaD) as well. Pregnancy doesn't bother me. I'd like to speed up that stupid helpless annoying babyhood tho!

Zirconia Wolf 04-12-2007 03:55 PM

I like the whole Young Adult/University Family thing! That (plus the College Clock) are the only things that make the whole "college experiance" playable/fun for me. I love the fact that it's customizable (with the additional/optional Flavour Packs) so I can- for instance- completely eliminate the Misscarrige elements, etc.

The "risky" WooHoo adds an element of chance/suprise that I enjoy too!

I never bother with the "Teenage Woohoo/Marriage" features since it doesn't fullfill any of their wants. Why bother with WooHoo untill it will actually mean something to a Sim?

I do like the fact that Teens who "move up" (etheir to YA or Adult status) keep their crushes! It was always silly to me that you would suddenly forget the love of your life because you blew out some candles on a cake! (What's IN those candles, anyway??? )


Greg 04-12-2007 07:32 PM

So far, I have all those features in my game using other hacks, probably Squinge things from

Zirconia Wolf 04-12-2007 10:25 PM

I don't belive that InSIM allows for engaged/married/pregnant YA's or the ability to raise childeren on residential Uni lots (the reason I broke down & got InTEEN) but I may be wrong.

There is alot of overlap between InSIM & InTEEN though. I just find InTEEN's Biological Clock to be alot handier/quicker way of managing my Sims fertility. (I use InSIM for lots of other stuff. )


Greg 04-12-2007 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Zirconia Wolf (Post 1043)
I don't belive that InSIM allows for engaged/married/pregnant YA's or the ability to raise childeren on residential Uni lots (the reason I broke down & got InTEEN) but I may be wrong.

There is alot of overlap between InSIM & InTEEN though. I just find InTEEN's Biological Clock to be alot handier/quicker way of managing my Sims fertility. (I use InSIM for lots of other stuff. )


Yeah, you're right. The Insimenator doesn't have much in the way of letting young adults do stuff. I'd have to snoop around in Squinge's mods to see what all he has enabled there.

I just thought of a mod I'd like to see: Let anybody go to college, even elders. There's way too much age discrimination in this game!

Zirconia Wolf 04-14-2007 05:08 AM

I wonder if it conflicts with InTEEN at all? I like the part about them getting a "Sweetheart Come With Me" want when they go to college! I'm just "used" to using InTEEN for fertility/etc. (Anyway, I think the whole "Biological Clock" pun is funny! )


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