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LeeLuvsAud 05-06-2008 01:10 PM


I am Audrey (LeeLuvsAud) Owner/Webmaster from EliteSimBuilders. I would love for our site to be added to the Ultimate Sims List :)

100% Free Downloads of Lots, Recolors, Meshes and more!
No Adult Content

Not sure exactly what you need :asking06:


Miros1 05-06-2008 02:28 PM

Hi, Audrey!

Greg will be along soon to add you to the Ultimate Sims List.

One thought: Could you add a "bypass intro" link to your splash page?

LeeLuvsAud 05-06-2008 02:41 PM

The Flash is our main page hun. There is no "intro" to bypass. If there is a problem with that, I completely understand. :)

Greg 05-06-2008 05:24 PM

Mission accomplished! :D

Here's the link that the Ultimate Sims List generates:

I think the intro is pretty cool! :dancing:

If you look at the "Newest" list on the Ultimate Sims List, you should see EliteSimBuilders at the top. (At least until more sites are added.)

Let's see... I think the only other things that I would need are, if you add a link to the Ultimate Sims List, I can add a button (need an 88x31 GIF image) and a description of the site. The key to writing a good description is to include key words like "the sims 2" and "lots" and "houses" and "buldings" and whatever a visitor might search for.

Holy mackeral! I just noticed that there have been 24,017,858 visits to other sites from the Ultimate Sims List! Mike Smith's awesome legacy lives on!

Miros1 05-06-2008 05:26 PM

Ah, ok, I'll just enable Flash for that site. I usually turn it off while I'm surfing.

Greg 05-06-2008 05:30 PM

Caution: Music.

Cool music, though. I wish it were longer. (And I'm glad I didn't open the site from the office! :lol:)

LeeLuvsAud 05-06-2008 08:05 PM

Miros1, thank you so very much for the quick response! I love doing flash websites because they can be very interactive.

Thanks to you too Greg and I will get that to you as soon as I can however how do I go about the banner and description. I can use the code for my main page but PM or email the banner and description to you? Just link in this thread? :asking06:

Also congrats on the 24,017,858 visits and thank you very much for taking over such a huge project! :imnotworthy-1:

Miros1 05-06-2008 08:53 PM

I'd say add to this thread, that way it's all together.

Greg 05-07-2008 03:15 AM

Yup, just put it on your site somewhere and post a link in this thread. Ditto for whatever text you would like to have in the description. I can get the button from your site. (Besides, if it's on your site, that might encourage other folks to link to your site! :D)

Incidentally, the reason for the size and format of the button is because Mike hard-coded 88x31 GIF into the original version of the Ultimate Sims List. It's an Internet Advertising Bureau standard size, y'see.

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