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jen1984 09-07-2008 03:37 PM

Looking for a good sim 2 site
Does anyone know of a good sim 2 site to go to?? I can't find any good ones.:asking06:

Greg 09-07-2008 04:10 PM

That depends on what your definition of "good" is, Jen. What are you looking for?

The sites with the most things you can download would be The Sims Resource, Mod The Sims 2, and

Miros1 09-07-2008 06:10 PM

If you're looking for something specific, we can probably aim you in the correct direction.

jen1984 09-17-2008 03:08 PM

I'm looking for free objects or clothing.....(more so object i haven't figured out how to put clothing in the games yet)

Greg 09-17-2008 03:17 PM

For free stuff, a couple of good places to start would be and Mod The Sims 2.

And of course, the sites that have posted update notices here are alive and well. Look around at the threads in the Ultimate Sims List Additions and Corrections forum and Sims 2 Fan Sites Links and Updates forum.

Beyond that, try surfing around the Ultimate Sims List. We're still pruning out closed sites and you'll hit a lot of Sims 1 sites, but with a bit of mining you'll find the gold in them thar hills! If there's a legitimate Sims fan site out there that isn't in The List, it's because no one has told us about it yet! :D

Crystal 09-17-2008 04:00 PM

Did anybody mention to jen that she is on a good Sims 2 site right now? Sun Sims is the best!!!! Well except for where Anja is but we won't go there from here. :D

jen1984 09-21-2008 06:22 PM

ok i got what i needed for sims sites now, can you please tell me how to download clothing into the sims 2? Nothing i put in the game clothing wise show's up.

Greg 09-21-2008 07:22 PM

How to Install Clothing Files

Quick tutorial:
  1. Download the zip or rar file. That's an archive that contains the file you want.

  2. Read the notes on the web site where you got the stuff. Many clothing articles require custom meshes. Usually folks will tell you where to find the meshes and even give you a link. (Sometimes I fail to include links because (a) I'm lazy and (b) I tend to foolishly assume everyone knows where Warlokk's stuff is.)

    For example, look at the last two clothing items I posted on Sun Sims. Crystal's McCain-Palin shirt requires Warlokk's 34Dn T-shirt mesh, which is in a file named Bodyshape_34Dnat_Top_Separates.rar, from Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshapes - 34D Enh/Nat Tops Separates Collection on

    In contrast, Sarah's T-Shirt uses the default mesh that comes with the game; no additional downloads required.

    Items on MTS2 almost always link back to a spot elsewhere on MTS2, where you can get the mesh. If the link is not in the main message, look at the notes in the left-hand column and at the bottom near the download links.

  3. Unzip or Unrar the files. I like to use WinZip. Rose really likes WinRAR. Either program will do a nice job of extracting the files from the archive.

  4. Put the .package files in your Downloads folder. I recommend creating subfolders under Downloads for each site, so that you can keep track of where you got stuff. Don't forget to install any custom meshes, if required.
That's it. If you have all the .package files you need in your Downloads folder or a subfolder under Downloads, the items should appear in your clothing catalog. To get them onto your sims, you can create a sim wearing those clothes or have existing sims buy them.

Watch out for the age and sex of the sim the clothing is intended for, as well as the category. A clothing item for adults may not be available for young adults (or maybe it will, depending how the artist left the settings). Similarly, adults can't wear teen stuff. Girls can't wear boys' stuff. And so on.

Miros1 09-22-2008 12:39 AM

If you have Sims2Pack files, you need to get CleanInstaller! (The Maxis installer stinks!)

Crystal 09-22-2008 12:58 AM

Right go to MTS2 and search for Clean Installer. You definitely want that!!

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