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Crystal 10-21-2008 11:39 PM

Need accessory ideas for damsel costume
I'm making Halloween costumes for two damsels like from the time of knights and dragons and I need ideas for accessories. What did ladies carry around back then?

Greg 10-22-2008 03:28 AM

Um... knitting? Muffs? Rosaries? Books?

Miros1 10-22-2008 07:53 AM

In a fiction book I'm reading based on the life of Elizabeth I, she seems to drag embroidery gear around with her quite often. Also books and Bibles, often with fancy embroidered covers (the product of the embroidery gear).

For some reason, I've got an image stuck in my head: you in one of those conical hats with a cloth-of-gold drape hanging from the point and a fancy hand mirror in your hand!

Don't forget, your purse for the evening is a fancy little belt pouch!

Greg 10-23-2008 12:13 AM

I snooped around the web a bit but didn't find any new ideas.

Reader 10-25-2008 02:26 AM

I get to be the dragon. Jeff is the knight.

"So hard to peel. So good to eat!"

Miros1 10-25-2008 03:22 AM

"They're really quite tasty once you get that hard shell off."

Reader 10-25-2008 05:14 PM

They even carry their own skewers so you can serve them en brochette!

I fear my dragon costume won't be very imposing. I look like a Pillsbury Doughboy with teeth.

Crystal 10-27-2008 11:13 PM

Aw you'll look real cute in your costume Jack! Are you going to fight a duel with St. Jeff the Dragon Slayer?

Greg 10-31-2008 12:36 AM

Is Saint Jeff going to be carrying a real sword? This could be dangerous!

Coco 11-01-2008 03:13 PM

Jeff had a real sword but it wasn't sharpened and they didn't fight. I think we all looked great! Crystal and I decided not to carry anything as part of the costume because we would have to carry it all night.

Jack was adorable in his dragon costume and Jeff's armor was quite a hit! A couple who were at the part are SCA members and they said it was some of the best costume armor they had ever seen. They said the outfits that Crystal and I wore were very authentic, too.

We had more than a dozen trick-or-treaters. That was more than Jeff or Crystal remembered seeing for years.

Greg 11-01-2008 06:12 PM

Hooray! I'm glad you have a fun Halloween party! :)

We only had a few trick-or-treaters here. Nowadays community events seem to be more popular.

Miros1 11-02-2008 02:21 AM

We had quite a few, including a baby or two not big enough to walk!

We'd probably have had more, but I turned off the light when the candy ran low.

Greg 11-02-2008 09:02 AM

I'll confess that I don't even know who our trick-or-treaters were. Melva answered the door, and I went to bed early.

Crystal 11-11-2008 05:41 PM

Jeff was a very handsome knight and Jack was real cute as a dragon.

Greg 11-12-2008 12:39 AM

And I'm sure that the fair maidens were fair, indeed!

"Cute" and "dragon" just don't seem to fit together in the same thought.

Coco 11-22-2008 11:08 PM

With Jack, "cute" and "dragon" are the same thing! :D

Greg 11-23-2008 10:23 AM

Somehow, that reminds me of a quote from one of the Japanese commanders after the attack on Pearl Harbor: "We have awakened a sleeping dragon."

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