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Zirconia Wolf 01-16-2010 12:39 AM

SimPE & Windows 7 64-bit: A Love Story
Just thought I would post this to say that while I know other people have said SimPE worked great for them on W7 64-bit with no intervention, that was most definitely not my experience! For me everything seemed fine at first as I could open/save the Neighborhoods (My Documents) like normal...

...but when I tried opening anything else, SimPE would totally freeze up on me! After much trial & error (heavy on the error) I finally got SimPE working right, but to do so I had to set it to run as compatible with XP service pack 3. (FYI there are instructions on the SimPE board telling Vista users that they need to set the security setting to "run as administrator" to get SimPE to play nice, which I tried too. It was the compatibility thing that did the trick though.)

Thought I would post this here just in case another W7 user is pulling their hair out like I was wondering what to do. (Like I said, I *know* other W7 users who claim to have done nothing at all to SimPE. I just aint one of them!)

PS: You may be asking yourself just how in the heck this is a "Love Story." Well it's like this:

A wannabe modder She-Wolf meets SimPE & the two become virtually inseparable.

Then an evil force threatens to tear them a apart.

Just when it seemed the evil force would win, it is vanquished by the cunning & shear determination of our heroine, enabling our two *lovers* to ride off into the proverbial sunset of TS2-file-tweaking together.

If that doesn't qualify as a Love Story, I don't know what does!

:love7: :love7: :love7: :love7: :love7:

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