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Zirconia Wolf 08-15-2009 12:40 AM

Using SimPE To Make Skin Packages?
I vaguely recall reading somewhere that the main reason you needed Body Shop for the "skinning" process was to extract the textures for you to tweak.

As I already have complete copies of the textures I need, is there a faster (non-Body Shop) way to create a stand-alone skin package file using just SimPE? I would be adding textures myself, so the textures don't have to be quality, just there.

I am contemplating making my own series of Baby Outfit (skin) Changers, but the thought of having to fire up Body Shop to make the 24 (or so) copies of all my skins (12 normal & several "special") is quite depressing, especially since Body Shop takes longer to load than my overly-modded game does!

(I asked this on Simbology too, but haven't posted here in sometime so I thought "what the hay!" Plus, it never hurts to cast a wider net!)

Miros1 08-16-2009 10:10 AM

The other things BodyShop does for you is:
1) Creates the unique parts of the file which allow the clothing or genetics to show up as unique items instead of default replacements.
2) Allows you to test fit as you work on the textures.

You could drag most of Downloads out while you run BodyShop; just leave Chris Hatch's True-Nude in BodyShop hack.

Alternatively, SimPE has a skinning function, but I'm not sure how it works...

Zirconia Wolf 08-16-2009 03:53 PM

I've heard bad things about SimPE's built-in skinning function (at least the Default option) so...

That's kinda what I figured. I guess I was just hoping for an *easy way out* so to speak! :p

Think I'll definitely be removing my Downloads for the duration of this if I can just get a response from Simaholic (who made the original Baby *Outfit* Changer) so I am sure of how to do this craziness...

***edited to add***

Simaholic responded to my plea! While she has ditched TS2 in favor of that @#$% TS3 (grrrr!) she has asked for a briefing on my SimPE experience & says she will try give me the info I need.

If this works out, I should (eventually) have some Baby Outfit (skin) Changers of my own!

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