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Zirconia Wolf 12-23-2008 12:46 PM

How To Change A Baby's Gender via SimPE
1 Attachment(s)
One of the most complained about things in Sims 2 (second only to not being able to pick a different outfit for each baby on a lot) is that there is no way to select a baby's gender, leaving you at the mercy of the in-game "randomizer"...which at times, seems quite un-random!

Enter that amazing little gem called SimPE! With just a few simple steps, you can change a baby's gender to whatever you want after it has been born!

I can't remember who originally posted this (or even what site I found it on) but my hats are off to them!


Originally Posted by The Unknown Sim-er
Change the sex of a baby in the Sims 2:

You can just change the gender of the baby to
what you want after it's born.

There are a few steps you need to do to change the gender.

Start SimPe & load up the neighborhood.
Then do Tools menu >> List Sims & look for the baby's name.
Adjust the box so you can see what the character number is.

1) Open that Character file in SimPE - the Character files are located in
the My Documents/EA Games/Sims 2/Neighborhood/N00?/Characters folder.
In Filetypes, click on the Catalog Description to make sure it's the correct name!
Now click on Age Data & make sure the Plugin View tab is the current view.
Look for the line that says:

Gender (dtUInteger) = 0x00000001 (is female) or 0x00000002 (is male)

Change this to the sex you want & click Commit.

2) Now, click on the Property set (in Filetypes)
Go through each one & change the gender to what you want (see above)
& click Commit every time.

3) Do File Menu >> Save

4) Now, do the Neighborhood Browser again, then use Sim Browser & locate your baby.
There's a box there that says Treat as male or female, check the correct one & then
Commit & Save.

That's it, they are changed.


Now if someone can just come up with a way to change an infant's outfit (that isn't a skin-override, as those only work on a given skin) then life would be perfect. World peace? Who needs it; I got my Sims...:p



Originally Posted by Chris Hatch
I have found that after changing a baby's gender it's best to use a mirror to change the child's appearance. The game will detect a discrepancy between the gender and facial structure and correct the all of the facial structures. Otherwise your sim may go through life as either a very ugly girl or very feminine boy.

This is very good advice, and I felt it should be included here! (Thanks again, Chris!)


For ease of reference, here's the same info in a txt file...

Miros1 12-23-2008 08:05 PM


I have BlooM's diaper replacements (onesie, onsie with hat and/or pacifier, dress, etc.)

Greg 12-24-2008 02:34 PM

Does that work on older sims?

Miros1 12-24-2008 04:33 PM

Not very well, since they probably have gender specific hair and clothes. Babies and their wardrobes are basically unisex.

Zirconia Wolf 12-24-2008 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Miros1 (Post 11708)
I have BlooM's diaper replacements (onesie, onsie with hat and/or pacifier, dress, etc.)

I can't find BlooM's infant outfits. I am currently using a "neutral" white one from MTS2...but I keep hoping there will eventually be a way to have more than one diaper override in the darn game!

Greg: unfortunately the instructions only work for babies, as they are little more than a glorified placeholder until they become toddlers.

I wonder if something like this would work for puppies/kitten as well?


Greg 12-25-2008 01:24 PM

I'm guessing that to change an adult sim's sex, we would have to make a list of all the gender-specific data stored in the game and figure out how to modify each one. Still, this might be useful for NPC's in situations where you want characters of certain sex. I'd like to fix the grim reaper and the hula dancers, for no more reason than that it irritates me that they are messed up. :thinking:

Zirconia Wolf 12-26-2008 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Greg (Post 11718)
I'd like to fix the grim reaper and the hula dancers, for no more reason than that it irritates me that they are messed up. :thinking

Not being a "Character File" expert, I am wondering: how are they messed up? (Other than the fact that it would be nice if the dancers were of the deceased Sims "gender of choice." Seriously; why can't there be male dancers if the deceased was a gay man or heterosexual woman?)

Greg 12-27-2008 04:26 AM

The hula dancers are male, and greaper is female. Ick.

Chris Hatch 12-27-2008 01:43 PM

I have found that after changing a baby's gender it's best to use a mirror to change the child's appearance. The game will detect a discrepancy between the gender and facial structure and correct the all of the facial structures. Otherwise your sim may go through life as either a very ugly girl or very feminine boy.

Zirconia Wolf 12-27-2008 02:33 PM

Oh! This is good to know! I will hastily add it to my first post, post haste! (Ha ha ha, I kill me...)

Greg: Wow really? I never looked into the Reaper or Hula Dancer files that close. That is pretty nasty! It also makes no sense, what with the way the Grim Reaper is Nervous Subject's father, according to Maxis's own back story...

Stupid Maxis...

Miros1 01-28-2009 05:42 PM

Woot! I found a tutorial on how to change an adult's gender!

It's a combination of SimSurgery and BodyShop to tidy up the mismatched clothes and such...

Zirconia Wolf 01-30-2009 01:43 PM

Oh very cool!

This will help to "even out" the not-so-randomness of that "random" generator!

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