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Zirconia Wolf 07-30-2008 03:14 AM

Agriculture & Botany Careers?
This may sound insane, but as I am getting ready to actually play my game, I was culling out crud I don't need & setting aside stuff I wanted, like my large collection of user-made Careers.

I have reason to believe that one of the two Careers I downloaded most recently (about a month ago) from MTS2 may not be "Seasons Okay", as I ran into a strange load issue with my Careers installed, so I zipped on over to MTS2 to double check what EPs the Agriculture & Botany Careers were "rated" for...

...only I can't find hide or hair of those Careers.

So, on the off chance I am totally insane & did not get them from MTS2 (even though I am 100% positive I did) I thought I would ask if anyone out there had seen ether of these Careers mentioned on any other sites.



Kaylyn 07-30-2008 04:51 AM

Found an Agriculture career here:

Google is proving fruitless at finding anything under "sims 2 botany career"; it keeps spewing back Natural Science at me.

Zirconia Wolf 07-30-2008 05:54 AM


Thank you for the link! (I could not get the MTS2 search function to turn up squat...but I have iffy luck with search functions.)

No mention of the Agricultural Career needing BV or FT, so the Botany Career is my current suspect...if I could just find it!

I am starting to believe that there is no Botany Career for the Sims 2...except that it's sitting in my Careers folder staring at me & I have an entry for it in my "User Made Careers" Word Document that says that it's Top Level is supposed to be Botanist.

It would just be nice to know where I found it!



Well, I had a rare brain spark & looked at the "Born On" date of the Botany Career, which showed it to be in the 2005 range, so I hunted waaaaaay back into MTS2's Career pages & found it under the heading of "Plant Care".

Turns out it's a "Base Game Only" thing & other people have posted that it's causing the same lot-load-freezing problem that I was experiencing, so at least I know what the problem is...and that I'm not completely nuts!

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