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nyrockzss 02-17-2009 09:52 PM

It's about time we get a new story here! So here's the prologue of my story, Vivid~

ONCE UPON A TIME...haha no I'm kidding.

My life before that day is like a dream to me.

My mother and I were always close. We shared thoughts, finished each other's sentences. Almost as if we were the same person. I shared a special bond with her that I thought nothing could break.

I didn't really need a father, let alone even know who my father was. And I wan't one of those kids that bugged their parent about who that unknown person that they shared half of their DNA with was. But sometimes I did wonder. I would draw pictures in my journal of the perfect dad, which was a challenge because I am the spitting image of my mother.

It was a rainy, but typical Tuesday afternoon in Painted Post, New York. There I was, sprawled out across my bed while Brenda sat in her usual spot on the floor.

Brenda was my best friend. Words cannot describe our relationship. We'd known each other since my mother and I had moved here when I was just three and she was two. And there we were, thirteen years later, hanging out in the same positions that we had established years earlier.

Tradgedy had struck Brenda's family. Brenda's mother, the lawyer for a major law firm, passed away just several months before. When her father in California refused to have her meddle with his new trophy wife and children, she was sent to live with her foster parents.

Brenda disliked everything about her new home. The pink walls and carpeting, along with the butterfly accents, in her room didn't seem to compliment the heavy metal music which frequently blasted out of the stereo that Brenda had brough from her old home. Her foster parents gave her clothes from Hollister, which were promptly shoved in the back of her closet behind the clothes from Hot Topic. She refused to adjust to their style of living, and vice versa.

It was getting late and my mother, Brenda, and I ran to the car so we wouldn't get drenched with the freezing water. As my mother drove with the windshield wipers on full speed, she had to lean forward with her eyes so squinted that they were almost shut. Then, I saw a bright yellow pair of lights come zooming toward us.

The next thing I remember is waking up in my hospital room.

Okay well I hope you've liked it so far! Chapter 1 should be posted soon! ~ny

Miros1 02-18-2009 07:37 PM

Good start!

nyrockzss 02-20-2009 08:11 PM

Thank you! I appreciate the positive feedback. :D

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