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Zirconia Wolf 07-18-2007 04:03 PM

Adopting Strays
Okay, is there anything out there (mod/hack/whatever) that I can use to attract/summon a specific stray animal that will let a Sim "Give Love"/whatever, rather than just result in the animal imediately leaving the lot & the Sim only being able to "Shoo"/"Chase" it????

I am trying (& failing, obviously) to satisfy a Sim's want to adopt a specific stray without just "summoning" & adding the animal to the family instantly with the Family Tree (InSIM), as this doesn't satisfy the Sim's wants.

I know there are things to help attract wolves to your lot (I have them) but are there any that attract strays????

Miros1 07-18-2007 04:24 PM

I know there are teleporters that will bring any Sim to your lot; have any of them been upgraded for Seasons?

Zirconia Wolf 07-18-2007 07:21 PM

Hmmm. Maybe it is a Seasons thing.

The "Summoner" (InSIM) works to get them on the lot, but- even if I make them selectable- they just head for the hills & the Sim's only interactions are "Shoo" or "Chase".

I even tried the Pet Friendship Candles from SimSlice (yes, that's right; I do pay to download there from time to time) & while it does bring the animal & raise the relationship high enough to open up the "Adopt" option, the stray still runs of the lot before the Sim can do anything.

I see SimSlice has a Pet Generator...maybe it will work...

(I've never had any luck geting strays to visit more than once, no matter how high the relationship...)

mikedelaney16 07-18-2007 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Miros1 (Post 2926)
I know there are teleporters that will bring any Sim to your lot; have any of them been upgraded for Seasons?

Yes, most of them have, including the ones in Insimenator, and Inge's one that teleports or makes townies/downtownies and does pets.

That one's at first item on the page, looks like an ornamental cat.

Oh, I think that's the solution here's what the web page says:

Specially updated for Pets in that you can summon animals, make them pets of the current family, or move them into the strays or adoption pool.
Other than that, I'm afraid I can't help you on the pets issue, I've been using the visitor controller and other things to keep them away from most community lots where they really are pests rather and pets.


Miros1 07-18-2007 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Zirconia Wolf (Post 2929)
(I've never had any luck geting strays to visit more than once, no matter how high the relationship...)

Yeah, I don't let my humaniform Sims interact with Strays unless they desperately need the Social boost. It is nice to have the (few) Strays stop by and play with my pet when it's home alone and lonely. Much better than coming home to heaps of chewed furniture!

Greg 07-19-2007 12:34 AM

I've never played Pets, but... do animals have turn-ons and turn-offs? Maybe the beasties don't like your sim.

Miros1 07-19-2007 01:11 AM

Nope, animals are even simpler than base game Sims. They don't have half the stuff a "modern" Sim has...

Greg 07-20-2007 12:04 AM

Maybe they're really, really shy?

Zirconia Wolf 07-26-2007 04:31 AM


Well, I tried SimSlice's Pet thingy & had the same (very frustrating) expirance.

Then I tried summoning the pet I was after, using InSim's Relationship Adjuster to raise ST & LT to 60 for both the Sim & stray & letting the stray run off. Then I paused the game & re-summoned the stray- making sure it was right next to the needy Sim- & (with the game still paused) clicked on the stray & selected Adopt.

It actually worked! Yippee! (The second the game is un-paused all options except Shoo & Chase disappear, which was what was driving me nuts before.)


Originally Posted by Miros1 (Post 2931)
Yeah, I don't let my humaniform Sims interact with Strays unless they desperately need the Social boost. It is nice to have the (few) Strays stop by and play with my pet when it's home alone and lonely. Much better than coming home to heaps of chewed furniture!

I can't help it, I'm an animal person! It's my personal goal to get every wayward stray in SimLand off the street (thankyou NoStrayRespawn hack!) & into a loving home. (It's really bad with the addition of Seasons! Watching those little dogs trudge through head-high snow banks...*sniff* just to much for me!)

As for pets, I try & keep them in pairs (or so) to help with the "lonely" factor...& have been known to call on the awesome powers of InSim's Personality Adjuster to do away with the more destructive pet traits up front. (Sorry Maxis but I've done enough dor training in RL! I'm not doing it over & over in a game because some freaky programer seriously belives that every stray on the planet is a couch-eating, floor-peeing furball from hell!)

Miros1 07-26-2007 04:44 AM

I only have problems with the pets who have been trained or nearly trained to be destructive and pee inside and so on. The rest seem to quickly learn what they should do and behave fairly well, whether or not they've actually got the skill. I do have chewtoys and scratching posts available for the more destructive urges. My Sims just Praise or Scold as appropriate when they get home from work and everything's copacetic.

I do use the cheats that make pets controllable (so I can force them to eat if necessary, then Praise them) and make their actions cancellable (in case of a mid work shift furniture scratching orgy).

Zirconia Wolf 07-26-2007 01:24 PM

Let's hear it for the User Startup Cheat File!!!

Mine's patheticaly small (compared to what other people brag about) but the frist 2 cheats there are the controll & cancell ones for pet actions! Can't imagine why any sane person would play the game without them, actually....

As for the InSim cheating, it's only a factor with the animals (mostly strays & the Critturs) that dear old Maxis decided to "train" in a way that is contrary to how even most street-hardened wanderers (in my experiance) have learned to behave!

Miros1 07-26-2007 01:27 PM

And Tara Kat's inherited cats! I'd like to resurrect her mother and slap her a few times. What retard would teach a cat to do those things? Not even Auntie Ginia would put up with that crap.

Actually, that's an insult to mentally handicapped people. Most of them would do a better job teaching the cats.

Zirconia Wolf 07-26-2007 07:08 PM

Oh my yes! How on earth did I forget poor Tara & the Felines From Hell her loving (?) mother left her?!

(Like the resuruction idea! Bwahahahaa!!!)

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