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Greg 08-30-2008 05:59 PM

Gustav & Hanna & Ike
Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water...

Hurricane Gustav

They were predicting landfall as a tropical storm early Tuesday morning so we unplugged our machines and wrapped everything in plastic bags before we left work last night. Now Gustav is a category 4 hurricane and might go skipping along the coast, making a jolly mess all the way from New Orleans to Corpus Christi!

Meanwhile, his girlfriend is trying to catch up with him.

Tropical Storm Hanna

Here we go again! :laugh:

Greg 08-31-2008 08:29 PM

It looks like Lake Orleans is going to get a refill.

Gustav landfall predicted to be tomorrow.

Glamor Shot
There seems to be a large red star floating over my house. :thinking:

We do this sort of thing a lot down here in the swamp.

Greg 09-01-2008 06:17 PM

Just a little follow-up: So far, Gustav hasn't provided any amusement for us locally. It looks like we dodged another bullet.

Of course, I would encourage everyone to help out with the mess farther east along the Gulf Coast. The good news is that it doesn't look like it will be nearly as bad as it might have been even right in the path of the storm. Every year, we get a little bit better in dealing with Mother Nature's more dramatic moments.

Reader 09-01-2008 08:15 PM

It's all over the news so we've been watching, Greg. We're glad it missed you!

Greg 09-02-2008 02:27 AM

Thanks, Reader! So far it has just been winds a little higher than normal around here.

Miros1 09-03-2008 06:05 PM

I think Hannah got side tracked and won't find her boyfriend like that! However, that will probably make her mad...

Greg 09-04-2008 12:56 AM

I think you're right, Rose! Look at this storm track!

Tropical Storm Hannah

It looks like she is either enjoying her Caribbean vacation or she sucked up too much Jamaican rum while she was visiting. Or both.

Miros1 09-04-2008 12:59 AM

I hope it's one of those... an angry hurricane is very bad!

Greg 09-04-2008 01:05 AM

Worse than a happy drunk hurricane? :laugh:

Greg 09-04-2008 01:13 AM

This could be interesting, Rose! According to the projected path for her, there's a small chance that Hanna could come to visit your place on Saturday night! :eek:

It might be a good time to stock up on rum, just in case she wants to party! :dance:

Hmm... it looks like she might go romping through Roanoke and prancing through Pennsylvania along the way!

Miros1 09-04-2008 03:45 AM

Oh, lovely.

Shopping list:
Burlap bags

(If she's competing with Agnes, the dikes are not going to hold, and my house is 2 blocks from the dikes!)

Greg 09-04-2008 11:43 AM

There's a thought. I'm not familiar with the watershed in your area, but the water could come to visit you even if Hanna does not. As it skips along the coast, the storm will move a considerable portion of the Atlantic over the mountains and leave it to run where it will.

Miros1 09-06-2008 03:17 AM

Yep, both the Allegheny and the Monongahela have their sources just this side of the peaks and pick up quite a bit of water from errant hurricanes.

They're saying "persistant rain" tonight, so Hannah seems to have blown off her steam.

Greg 09-06-2008 06:08 PM

Yeah, it looks like you and the folks down in western Pennsylvania pretty much dodged the bullet with just another blustery, rainy day.

Topical Storm Hanna at 8:00 AM EDT on Saturday, September 6, 2008
Image pilfered from The center of the storm was down in Virginia.

If I'm reading this right, most of the rain is still on the east side of the Alleghenies, where it will drain down into the Atlantic.

I haven't been watching the Weather Channel this morning. I got really frustrated during Gustav because they kept showing lengthy scenes from past storms with no clue about what you were actually seeing.

At least now we can see how Crystal managed to get rained on! :lol:

Miros1 09-06-2008 11:24 PM

It's sprinkling right now, but the clouds are big and dark. It'll pour when it finally opens up!

Greg 09-07-2008 12:34 AM

Yeah, it looks like you might get the stuff that skipped right past the folks on the other side of Lake Erie.

Greg 09-11-2008 03:23 AM

The managers met at JSC today and decided they will close JSC some time tomorrow because they are expecting at least tropical storm winds to hit around 10:00 AM CDT on Friday even if Hurricane Ike continues to head for the southlands.

There's even a good chance of hurricane force winds even though we'll be on the fringes of the storm. They expect Ike to get up to a category 4 hurricane before he makes landfall.

The last time I looked, it appeared that Ike is determined to take a little vacation in Corpus Christi and then head up north through the center of the state.

Dangnabbit. We had lots of neat stuff planned for tomorrow and Friday but it sounds like once again we'll be unplugging and bagging computers.

Greg 09-11-2008 06:20 PM

"Never argue with the weather." --Robert Heinlein

Well... this is about as bad as it can get.

Hurricane Ike on Infrared Satellite
Look at the size of that thing!

Hurricane Ike's projected path
The star marks El Lago, which means "the lake" in Spanish and may soon become apropos!

Ike is moving slowly and veering northward so that now his projected path hits us almost dead on. The "almost" part is actually worse because the northwest quadrant of a hurricane is the worst.

They are predicting that the storm surge could slosh a goodly portion of the Gulf of Mexico right onto us here in El Lago. The Johnson Space Center and everything around it is closed. We are under an emergency evacuation order, so I guess it's time to seriously plan to give ol' Ike the right of way.

Greg 09-11-2008 07:41 PM

Getting scarier.

Hurricane Ike Maximum Storm Surge Prediction

Crystal 09-11-2008 11:09 PM

Oh no Greg!!!! If your reading this you better not be reading it anywhere near there!! Landfall isn't until Saturday but they said the storm surge would come on Friday so you got to get out of the way!!

I'm worried about you and I'm thinking about you. Take care of yourself!!

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