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meganroxy 02-21-2009 09:40 PM

My Story Coming Soon :))
I have a BRAND NEW story. It takes place in Noble Canyon, approximately 23.9 miles away from Carbertsville. Carbertsville is between Pleasantview and Veronaville. My story starts with the Garbachs. First, let me tell you about Noble Canyon. Noble Canyon has been around for years, but no one found it until the early 1960's. The Garbachs came here in 1967 when Pleasantview's most famous townsmen, Mortimer Goth married Rufus Garbach's cousin-in-law at the time, Bella Goth. Rufus and Mortimer had a fall out because Rufus' family grew up in a 2-bedroom house with 8 children. However, this all happened in the Sims 1. So it never made it in between the 2 games [to the point where I can view it.] So I started all over. Rufus still believes that it wasn't right for Mortimer to bring Bella to the point; from poor to extravagantly rich. Bella is not blood related to Rufus because Rufus married Louisa Croft, a friend of Mortimer. Now, Louisa Croft is dead and only a speck of Pleasantview's past. As a child, Louisa's mother was sisters with Bella's mother and Louisa and Bella would play together. In 1956, Rufus left Louisa because she was running away to Maurice Lafeur, the French cook at Royal Dynasty II.

Starting in 1965, Rufus felt the urge to get another girlfriend. So he went to a local market to get a cucumber and there he saw future Mrs. Garbach. They went on 192 dates before Rufus proposed in 1966. They stayed in Pleasantview for a year, then moved to Noble Canyon.

Now it's 1976 in Noble Canyon, and they have two children as of April 5. They are twins Mary and Jeanette Garbach residing with the mischevious kitty, Mayberry a white mix. I will keep you updated on what happens with them.


Miros1 02-21-2009 11:00 PM

First, you need good quality images. Go into video settings and turn the quality to high. You may have to reduce the size to compensate. If you still can't get good images, there are various screen capture programs that will even autosave for you.

Then you start a post. See the "Go Advanced" button under the text box? Click it, then click on "Manage Attachments." It will let you upload your pictures. Warning: This method will put the pictures at the bottom as screen shots. You may find this annoying.

Alternatively, you can get an account on an image hosting site. I use photobucket. They're pretty self explanatory. Some don't allow pixel nudity (even innocent stuff like the bare chest of a male Sim).

However you get your pictures on the web, you need to link them into your story. If they're at the bottom of your post, you can just right click and choose Copy Link. If they're on an image hosting site, it should be pretty easy to figure out. Sometimes you only have to click on the "tag" box below the image. You then type "[ img ]" paste in the link and type "[ /img ]" after it. Leave out the space, they're just there to prevent the board software from trying to display an image in this post!

Looking forward to your story!

meganroxy 05-16-2009 08:43 PM

Thanxx <333


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