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Greg 08-20-2008 02:27 AM

When Trolls Attack
A "troll" post is any note that is obviously trolling for trouble. It may contain offensive verbiage, name-calling, personal attacks, or some other pointlessly controversial material.

What you should do is exactly the same as with spam: If you see such a note, please do not reply to it. I will be along shortly to take care of the problem. As we have noted in many other notes on this board, our policy always has been and always will be to delete offensive posts without comment.

If you think I might have overlooked a troll post (or spam) you can send me a private message with a link to the offending message. (Just copy the link to the message and paste it into your message.)

(vBulletin also has a "report post" feature but after trying most of this evening, I can't figure out where the heck the reports are going.)

Crystal 08-22-2008 05:41 PM

I talked to Coco about that and we decided thats why we love your sites Greg besides your so nice and we love your stories and things for the sims. Your policy makes it safe to play here without being afraid somebody will be mean to us or anybody. It makes it the happiest place on the Internet!!!! :D

We never see what you have to delete so I hope you don't have to see a lot of crap while your admining the site.

Thank you Greg!! :kissyhug:

Greg 08-22-2008 11:56 PM

Thank you for saying that, Crystal! Naw, I don't see a lot of crap here. Months will go by between times that I have to do anything at all and then it takes only a few seconds to deal with it. I suspect that's because trolling produces no reward here, so why bother?

The shame of it is that it makes it impossbile to have a polite, rational discussion of very interesting (and sometimes even important) topics. I miss the times when adults behaved like grown-ups.

Greg 08-26-2008 12:13 PM

I found out what happens if you use the "report post" feature. It sends me an email, which I am almost guaranteed to overlook, so please don't use it. I'll see if I can disable it.

Crystal 08-26-2008 05:38 PM

The report post is the little triangle right? I never used it but I won't either now I know not to.

Greg 09-19-2008 04:54 AM

Oops. I overlooked this question. Yes, the little red triangle is the "report post" gizmo. If you click on that, your note ends up in an email. So don't. :)

Bucket Brigade 09-25-2008 11:44 PM

Of all the gin joints in all the world, you have the best troll policy there is!

Greg 09-26-2008 12:58 AM


Thank you for saying that, Bogie! Em... I mean Bucky! :D

Crystal 09-26-2008 05:55 PM


Greg 09-27-2008 11:47 AM

I might have spoken a bit hastily when I said I don't have to deal with much crap here. Lately we have been under attack from bots operating from servers all around the world; mostly from Russia and China, but the perpetrator could be anywhere. Some of them trace back to some dweeb in Canada.

The amusing part is that not one of them has been able to penetrate our screen, and of course each attempt strengthens our defenses by adding another wall.

Crystal 09-28-2008 03:22 AM

Well its good none of them got through. Thats another thing your good at Greg running a web site. I liked it when you had SimsHost too but I didn't get a subscription until not very long before it closed. There was a lot of great stuff there too!!

Greg 09-28-2008 04:03 AM

Oh nostalgia! Yup, we had a lot of fun with SimsHost during its five-year run! :D

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