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Zirconia Wolf 06-07-2008 12:11 PM

Apartment Life Official Teaser Info
Well, for the interested (or Sims 2 Lemmings, like me) here's the link to the Official teaser/info/pre-order screen for the up & coming Apartment Life EP.

Screen shots show not only ceilings but Murphy Beds! (Yes, actual ceilings & Murphy Beds are enough of an excuse for me to justify getting this EP. I did say I was a Sims 2 Lemming! )

On a VISN (Very Irritating Side Note), I can't help but see from the Sims 2 Home Page that the Nintendo version of this EP is called Apartment Pets & includes rabbits. I have always been slightly peeved that "House Rabbits" weren't an option in the Pets EP, so this ticked me off a bit!

Also a VISN, it seems that there will be yet another pre-made Base Hood (Belladona Cove) that ships with Apartment Life just so EA can further muck-up my carefully laid plans for Hood Organization!


*** Edited To Add ***

There are some links & posts on the BBS that indicate a possible Making Magic feel to Apartment Life! While I am tempering my excitement with the fact that it's the BBS, I would be lying if I said these tidbits weren't getting me hopeful!

*** Edited Again ***

Well, here's a link that seems to confirm the Magic idea! At least for Witches, anyway!

Greg 06-07-2008 02:39 PM

Murphy beds are neat! That should make it possible to build a bedroom that's at least one square shorter but we'll have to wait until people actually play the game to know for sure.

I see blunders in the metal railing near the circular stairway. Hope they fix that!

It would be nice if they'd do something about the edges of floors, too. I don't know what that greenish-brown with brown stripe is supposed to look like but it's there on every exposed edge of floor I have ever seen.

Zirconia Wolf 07-25-2008 01:13 AM

Here's more on the pending EP Apartment Life.

Okay, I'll admit it: I may have been hasty in my "I don't want it" opinion.

Ceilings. Murphy Beds. Spiral Staircases. Closets. Lap Dogs. Magic. Good Witches. Neutral Witches. Evil Witches. Feline Familiars. Trailer Parks. Cooler Playgrounds. Social Reputations. The list goes on.

Of course there are a few "things-that-make-you-go-hmmmm*", like the "NPC" families that will dutifully move into any unoccupied apartments (why can't you leave some vacant?) & the fact that you can't control your roommate (& the fact that you are limited to just 1 roommate per apartment), but all things considered, I may be putting this on my "get it" list...after the modders have run it through the ringer, all my favorite hacks are upgraded & the no-cd exe file is out.

I may be a lemming, but I'm not a stupid lemming...


*Can you tell I was a child of the 80's?

Greg 07-25-2008 07:14 AM

This must be based on that centuries-old legend that witches live in apartments. :rofl:

Well... seriously... it sounds like dorms for adults.

Kaylyn 07-25-2008 08:32 PM

ZW, I give it a week before all your beefs are hacked by the community... :D

Greg 07-25-2008 11:36 PM

Yeah. Not being able to control your roommate sounds pretty weak. That will probably be the first hack on the street if Maxis is really dumb enough to release such a thing to the public. Is this Apartment Life or Prison Life?

Zirconia Wolf 07-27-2008 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by Kaylyn (Post 9506)
ZW, I give it a week before all your beefs are hacked by the community... :D

Yeah, I think a week is about right!

Sad thing is if EA/Maxis would listen to what players are asking for/complaining about, we wouldn't have to wait for hacks to come out; we could just play the darned thing!

Then again, if they took all their advise from the BBC...well, that's just to scary to think about!


(Oh- and why the "Lap Dog" thing instead of House Rabbits, which would be something new?)

Miros1 07-27-2008 12:31 PM

Now I want apartments, but I'll do it the SecuROM free way, with the SimLogical doors!

Zirconia Wolf 07-27-2008 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Miros1
Now I want apartments, but I'll do it the SecuROM free way, with the SimLogical doors!

Oh! I had completely forgotten about those magnificent doors! Those will be a definite "must have" when I finally get around to installing AL.

I was on the "nah" bandwagon until I read that latest review. With any luck this really will be the last EP; it would be nice not to have to keep worrying about whether or not I have the right version of the right hack!


Greg 07-27-2008 02:26 PM

I have never tried Inge's apartment doors. How are they different from the ability to lock doors just using the Maxis lock that came with Open For Business?

Miros1 07-28-2008 12:19 AM

Inge made "4 key doors" which will let you have 4 controllable Sims living in each unit. Kind of like Mine doors, but for 4 Sims.

The Maxis lot is Self, Household, or Everybody in its settings.

Greg 07-28-2008 12:51 AM

Oh! I used her 4-key doors all the time. I thought we were talking about a special apartment door.

Miros1 07-28-2008 03:39 AM

I think they were originally intended to be apartment doors, but people naturally used them for everything under the sun!

Greg 07-28-2008 10:55 AM

Or perhaps the first person to use them in an apartment setting contributed that bit of lore. Inge just called them "four-key locking doors." They went along with the rest of her set of assignable things.

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