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Zirconia Wolf 11-20-2007 02:37 PM

My Uncle Bob's House Was Robbed...
...not once but 3 times last week.

Yes, you read that right; I said 3 times and last week.

First time was on Monday. He came home & found the house trashed, stuff broken & the bathroom window busted.

Second time was Thursday. He works The Job From Hell (restaurant management at SeaTac airport) & had to deal with a massive computer-crash criss. Comes home to find house more trashed, more stuff broken & a back window busted.

Time three was on Saturday. He went out to get coffee & came back to find house trashed again, even more stuff broken & another window busted.

So yesterday my Dad & I went over so he could go to the bank & change all his accounts (many of his personal files were missing) as he couldn't leave his home unattended.

Oh yeah; we were also there when he called the cops. Yes, that's right; my over-worked, over-stressed (non-thinking?) Uncle Bob called the cops just yesterday to report everything.

Which is why I am posting this (strangely exclamation point free) thread.

I just really really needed a (non immediate family) place to "vent" & resist the urge to take a 2x4 to the side of my dear Uncle's head.

Dad, Mom & I are going back over today to help him clean up more & get a start on his non-existent back fence, so I most likely won't be posting here (or anywhere else) today.

Thanks for wading through my irrelevant post! (Eek. An exclamation point? Guess I feel a little better already...)

Miros1 11-20-2007 05:16 PM

This doesn't sound like robbery. This sounds personal. I can kind of see not calling the police the first time, especially if you don't think anything important is missing... but two days after the third break-in? Owie!

Maybe it was the guy that sells/repairs windows drumming up business?

shorty943 11-21-2007 02:25 AM

Shorty hands ZW a nice big "educating" stick, so Uncle Bob can get his security priorities in order.

And I think the Goddess may be correct. Far too repetitive to be opportunists.
Who has Uncle Bob upset?

Miros1 11-21-2007 06:44 AM

The son of the window glass seller needed a place to make out and wants Uncle Bob to contribute to his college fund?

shorty943 11-21-2007 10:34 AM

:weg: :laugh: :laugh:

Greg 11-21-2007 11:38 AM

That happened to us back when we lived in League City, four break-ins within one month. It was while the neighborhood was still under construction, but I think it was kids breaking into houses because we found clear bicycle tracks in the lawn.

We put burglar bars on the windows. It stopped.

Zirconia Wolf 11-23-2007 02:16 PM

The plot begins to thicken...

Turns out the #1 prime suspect is a 13 year old punk who just so happens to live in the house directly behind Uncle Bob. The little @#$! has been watching us whenever we go over there now & is suspected of being responsible for a number of break ins in the neighborhood, so say the local cops.

Interestingly enough, Uncle Bob caught the kid cutting across his yard not long ago & told him not to take his shortcut anymore, as it wasn't his property.

So yes, the "personal" angle seems to be rather well supported.

As for why Uncle Bob left calling the cops until the last thing, I wish I could give you a reasonably plausible sounding excuse but I can't. The best I can do is say it was a combination of Uncle Bob's "Job From Hell" & his bizarre belief that he could somehow take care of everything by himself. Once he realized that he quite literally can not leave his house right now, he decided to call for help.

Thanksgiving proved to be interesting, as we implemented "Operation Taurus Decoy" wherein my sister drove her car (yes, a Ford Taurus) over to Uncle Bob's to create the illusion that he had family over for Turkey Day, after which they both walked over to a parking lot about a block away where I picked them up. As silly as it sounds (though not really, as he has literally been trapped in his house these last several days) it did the trick; we had a good Turkey Day & Uncle Bob's house was okay when we brought him back.

Today (Friday) Mom, Dad & I are going back to complete the back fence (only 2 6-foot wide sections are left) which will at least make it impossible for the little S.O.B. to just sit there & watch Uncle Bob's house.

Today is also the day the "Door Guy" (from Lowes) & "The Alarm Guy" (from ADT) are supposed to show up, after which Uncle Bob will have 2 new doors, new locks & a shinny new alarm system.

Now if only the police can get enough to build a case against the little creep...

Greg 11-24-2007 12:22 AM

That shiny new alarm system should really help, especially since the perpetrator is a kid.

It's always a good idea to tell the police about any crime, even if you don't think they have a chance of solving it. At the very least it adds to the statistical data that helps them narrow in on the criminal. Every crime tightens the noose a little tighter around his neck.

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