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Kaylyn 04-09-2008 11:16 PM

Does InSim's temporal thingy not permanently change the weekday? Or did I miss something? I swear I used InSim to adjust the weekdays of my Goth and Crumplebottom families after I had to install on my new computer and make them from scratch. I ended on Sunday last time I played them, so I just used the hourglass to set the day to Sunday after I plopped them down into the lot.

Edit: Duh, I just read your post regarding that. I didn't play the family after I set the weekday. Hmm, maybe because I saved it immediately, it might stick. I'll have to report back next time I load up.

Zirconia Wolf 04-09-2008 11:42 PM

Unfortunately, the InSIM change is not a permanent one.

After asking around on TwoJeff's shinny new board, I have been told that the Lot Sync Timer (from the evil crappy place) will apparently allow for a permanent hood-wide weekday change via it's Time Warp function.

Seems like it's (currently) my only option, as I can't even find where the testingcheat allows for setting the weekday! (This surprised me, as that's undeniably the Mac Daddy of all in-game cheats!)

Now if the Free Time Patch would just be re-instated...



Hehehehe! Some kind sole actually posted a link to the New Zealand EA Site which (for some strange reason) still happily offers the FT Patch for download! Okay, so I had to register & now I have an alter ego who lives in New Zealand (USA wasn't an option) but heck at least I got the patch!

Interestingly enough, the only reason the Patch was pulled at all was because when a Sim used the sewing machine to create a custom outfit the game over-wrote it's skin.package file, so when people who's Sims had made custom outfits tried to install the patch the installation would fail for them since the patch "thought" the game had been tampered with. (Well, it had been tampered it's own stupid self!)

So for a person doing a patch on a brand new FT install, the patch installs just spiffy. I am now VERY glad that I know how to make my "core" game files read only!!!! (Thanks again for that tutorial, Miros!)

Greg 04-10-2008 04:33 PM

So the trick is to install the Free Time patch before having any sims make custom outfits?

Zirconia Wolf 04-10-2008 04:55 PM least until (if?) Maxis posts a "fixed" version of the patch. (Hope EA leaves the New Zealand site's one up for now!)

Maxis claims they will re-post it on the Sims 2 site once they figure out how to stop the Patch from refusing to install because of the "corrupted" skins file. It would be even nicer if they tried to figure out why the game corrupted itself in the first place, but...

I feel bad for the players who don't know about the "Read Only" trick! I can say from personal experience that it DOES prevent a lot of problems!


Miros1 04-10-2008 08:39 PM

You're kidding. The game actually changes its own data file. I'm just amazed. But then, I should have guessed, after Shorty reported that BV would let you delete the ugly Maxis outfits...

I can tell them how to fix their patch in about 2 minutes.

Comment out the bit of code that checks the skins file, either the file size or the checksum or the date-time-modified, whichever way they do it.

But no, they didn't ask me!

Zirconia Wolf 04-10-2008 10:38 PM

No, saddly I'm not kidding. They even (sort of) finally copped to it on the Official Forum, shortly before they pulled the Patch.

Actually, I guess this isn't an entirely new thing, as I recall reading something about other files being overwritten if Mrs. Crumplebottom got bitten by a Vampire. (Did I say how very very thankful I am for your "Read Only" tutorial??????)

It would be nice if they started asking somebody about their programming, as it's clear all the decent coders have obviously been pulled off to work on The Sims 3 by now.


Zirconia Wolf 05-07-2008 02:23 PM

(I decided not to just update my previous post, as it's been a while...)

Miros; found out some more info as to cleaning up Bon Voyage: seems that the files for the 3 subhoods are under the V001 folder i.e. A001, T001 & M001, if you want to add that to your "clean out templates" instructions.


Greg 05-07-2008 04:49 PM

Did I read that right? Bon Voyage lets you delete the ugly Maxis outfits? Can you get rid of hideous hair styles, too?

If so, I'm sold! SecuROM be damned; I'll deal with it if it means I can don't have to put up with townies looking like things that got evicted from Skid Road!

Miros1 05-07-2008 09:49 PM

Zirconia, thanks! I'll add that both as "keep Maxis vacation areas" and "destroy Maxis vacation areas." Just as soon as I can think of an elegant way to say it.

Greg, it does, but it's a Bad Thing, because it can corrupt your package files inside Program Files/EA Games/The Sims 2.

You'd do better using Maxis blockers. I think Jordi (maker of the Better Names hack) made some; try the InTeen site.

Greg 05-08-2008 03:13 AM

Yeah. It might work just to try overriding the slovenly outfits with some decent clothes that have the same ID.

Zirconia Wolf 05-10-2008 04:27 PM

Would write-protecting your Program Files (like I do as a matter of course) prevent the corruption of those package files?

On the subject of deleting Maxis stuff, it seems that DJFade (of DJSims) is putting the finishing touches on his(?) newest creation, a super uber download organizer/etc thingy. You can read more about it here:

One of the features it will apparently contain is the ability to wipe out "99.98%" of Maxis objects (the 7th feature listed) leaving pretty much just you Downloads available. Not sure if this includes clothing or not, but since the thing will require Vista- which I don't have- I thought maybe Greg (as a Vista Guy) might want to check it out when it's released.


Greg 05-10-2008 04:56 PM


Read carefully, and note that DJ published that on April 1. :D

Miros1 05-10-2008 04:56 PM

Yes, not only does it protect your package files, it prevents deleting the ugly stuff too!

Um, people, look at the date on the first post in the thread Zirconia linked to.... However, some of those features would be nice, like "find thumbnail in thumbnails files."

Sita 06-06-2008 02:30 PM

mmm. Planning to make all new Hoods...
I'll make a Downtown full of Goths and punks I think, there seem to be plenty of places with male skins like that, and a lot of gorgeous ladies - a lot of the Sims on Insimadult seem to be in the sex industry one way or another. If I am putting special Sims in I prefer to keep them playable, at least while they are establishing themselves, work and relationships and stuff. Sims who are non-standard bodyshapes can work for other Sims who have businesses so that solves the work clothing problem.
And then there will be lots of adequately beautiful, or at least not frog-faced, and sensibly named Townies to mingle with them with the new templates and names installed... Unis can have the grotty students deleted I think, from what Rose said the other day, still have to do that. I've zipped up all the houses and community lots from Downtown, Pleasantview, Desiderata, Riverblossom Hills and Bluewater. What else do I need to do before I can start the new towns?
Oh, pets.... hmmm.
Runs off to play with files and reread Rose's instructions.

Miros1 06-06-2008 05:37 PM

Yeah, the Pets fix is the hardest bit. You'll probably want to retain the adoption pool (thank you Zirconia); keeping or deleting the pet shop lots is up to you.

The grotty students can be deleted (and probably should, since I like to use them as my main boyfriend/girlfriend pool).

Sita 06-06-2008 07:08 PM

I can't get Gothier Green Lawns or the haunted house in Downtown to zip up? Any suggestions?

All seems to be working well so far - except that I had planned to make a whole new continent of maps for the place and I cannot get my SC4 to work on XP....

Greg 06-07-2008 12:17 AM

Maybe use Clean Installer to create a file that includes on the lot segment? That's the best way to distribute lots. :thinking:

Aaargghness! I haven't tried Sim City 4 on Vista yet. (Of course, it ran fine under XP.)

Miros1 06-07-2008 01:48 AM

Other people have had problems with the cemetery type lots. I forget what the fix was, but quite likely unchecking everything except lotsegment and saving will clean the lot up.

SC4 likes to crash on me with XP after a certain period of time. As in reboots the whole darn 'puter. I haven't dared try any custom content; it'll probably crash faster! I'll have to try it on my Win98 machine...

Sita 06-08-2008 03:09 PM

On the Gothier Lawns and haunted house, it doesn't get as far as zipping it up ingame, just tells me it can't. So I cannot look at it in Clean Installer. I wonder if I could pull out the file ... never mind - I will make new cemetery. Simpler and probably safer.

Am I reading this right? If I have the second FT patch installed I don't need to write-protect my program files? Or is it best to do that anyway?

Miros1 06-08-2008 03:23 PM

Oh, poo! Too bad you need to make a new cemetery. I use one that Thera made, with a little chapel.

Maybe you could send someone there and move the graves to another lot?

I recommend write-protecting all the package files in Program Files/EA Games. Zirconia also recomends write-protecting everything in Dowloads, and I agree with her since I've had downloaded objects go corrupt for no good reason.

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